A Families Journey: A Farming Story of Resilience and Adaptation

The story of a family and their farm on the coast of Whangarei is one of remarkable resilience and adaptation. Despite numerous challenges, things are on track for a brighter future. Their journey, marked by persistent challenges and setbacks, exemplifies their determination to overcome adversity and secure a better future.

Once owning a farm at Dargaville, the family decided to move closer to Whangarei, purchasing two farms in the general area. However, persistent flooding over the past eight years at one farm forced them to sell their properties to a businessperson from Auckland.

Retaining a 50/50 sharemilking job on their home farm, they were able to purchase an additional 145 hectares on the coast of Whangarei, encompassing 85 hectares of flat land, 46 hectares of hill land, 14 hectares of bush in 4 titles. The 4 titles are encompass 36 ha plus house, 62 ha, 20 ha and 27 ha) with good sea views from parts of the farm.  From the back of the farm from a ramp you are able to launch a boat and be in the open ocean in 5 minutes.  From this farm you can set a net in the evening, go back in the the morning to find mullet, snapper, trevally, Kahawaii and flounder in the net. They moved to their new farm in March 2017.

The sharemilking job was intended to help pay and develop the new farm. However, within a year, they lost the 50/50 sharemilking job and ended up in court, despite having all the rights. The other side had more money, and their lawyer advised them to leave, resulting in significant financial loss.

In October 2019, disaster struck again when the floodgate on the farm collapsed, allowing seawater to inundate the flatland, killing grass, worms, and 85 large poplar trees, and destroying 60 hectares of grass. They worked tirelessly through the night to install a temporary gate and awaited resource consent to install new gates. In April 2020, they began constructing new floodgates, designed by an engineer and built with the help of family and a late friend.

The family faced further challenges with waterlogged paddocks due to salt contamination and winter rain. Despite these setbacks, they began humping and hollowing paddocks, finishing three paddocks initially. However, complaints from uneducated neighbours to the dairy industry threatened their milk supply, as it was incorrectly understood that it was illegal to carry out this work. The dairy company stated they would stop taking their milk if they continued.

In 2022, they sold livestock to China through Genetic Developments but did not receive payment, resulting in further financial strain.

By September 2023, land productivity remained an issue, prompting them to restart humping and hollowing. Uneducated neighbours complained again to the Regional Council, but the council was impressed with their progress and primarily advised on silt control. They managed to hump and hollow 15 paddocks, with three remaining. Of the 145 hectares, 110 hectares are now effective.

Despite these continuous challenges, the family exemplifies resilience and determination in their ongoing journey to develop their farm and secure their future.

Looking Ahead: A Call for Support

Here lies a beautiful property with coastal views, brimming with potential and on the cusp of full recovery. With the help of Dr Gordon Rajendram, the farm is on its way to recovery. They are now moving on to repairing the hills, with the outlook being much brighter. Production has increased by 20% this year compared to last year and is expected to increase further with other improvements. They are encouraging people to reach out and invest in the property. This farm will be a great asset for anyone who invests, offering both financial returns and the satisfaction of supporting a resilient family and a flourishing agricultural endeavour. With your support, they can continue to improve their farm and secure a prosperous future.

For more information, please contact:

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077



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027 458 7724


Nitrogen, Urea, and the Dairy Industry: A Close Look at Urine Patches and Leaching with Profile Fertilisers, Pahiatua

The dairy industry in New Zealand is an essential part of the economy, contributing significantly to the nation’s GDP. However, the environmental impact of dairy farming, particularly the use of nitrogen-based fertilisers like urea, has been a growing concern. Profile Fertilisers is at the forefront of addressing these issues, focusing on the leaching of nitrates into the groundwater, largely due to urine patches left by grazing cows.

Urine patches are a significant source of nitrogen leaching in pasture-based dairy systems. When cows urinate, they deposit a concentrated amount of nitrogen in small areas, resulting in patches where the nitrogen levels can reach up to 1,000 kg/ha. This is far more than the plants can utilise, leading to excess nitrogen that is susceptible to leaching, especially during heavy rainfall.

Studies have shown that nitrogen leaching from urine patches can account for up to 70% of the total nitrate leaching on dairy farms. The extent of leaching is influenced by several factors, including soil type, rainfall, and management practices. For instance, free-draining soils and high rainfall areas are particularly vulnerable to nitrate leaching. Research indicates that the average dairy cow can produce around 250-300 litres of urine per day, contributing significantly to the nitrogen load on pastures.

The leaching of nitrates into surface water bodies can contribute to eutrophication, a process that depletes oxygen in the water and harms aquatic life. It is estimated that nitrate leaching from agricultural sources contributes to 60-80% of the total nitrogen entering water bodies in New Zealand.

Profile Fertilisers, based in Pahiatua, is committed to addressing these challenges by promoting sustainable fertiliser practices. Using slow-release nitrogen fertilisers and implementing precision application techniques can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen lost to leaching. Additionally, integrating advanced soil testing and monitoring helps optimise nitrogen use, ensuring that it meets the plants’ needs without excess. Slow-release fertilisers have been shown to reduce nitrogen losses by up to 50% compared to conventional urea.

Farmers can also adopt practices such as planting catch crops, which absorb residual nitrogen, and improving irrigation efficiency to reduce nitrate leaching. Implementing strategic grazing management and using nitrification inhibitors can further mitigate nitrogen leaching. By combining these strategies, the dairy industry can move towards more sustainable practices that protect our valuable water resources while maintaining productivity.

Through continuous research and innovation, Profile Fertilisers aims to support the dairy industry in reducing its environmental footprint, ensuring a balanced approach to productivity and sustainability. With the right strategies, the dairy industry can continue to thrive while preserving New Zealand’s pristine environment for future generations.

Contact Profile Fertilisers

Don Henderson: 021 643 698

Factory: 027 222 7698


Contact Phillip Quay


027 458 7724


Soil Compaction Trials Boost Pasture Production on Canterbury Dairy Farms, Dr Gordon Rajendram with Agraforum New Zealand

Left to right: Agraforum Managing Director Allan Piercy and Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram


Hamilton, New Zealand – July 8, 2024 – Recent trials conducted by Dr Gordon Rajendram, a distinguished soil scientist and consultant, have revealed significant improvements in pasture production on Canterbury dairy farms through the use of soil compaction treatments. Dr Rajendram, formerly of AgResearch and MAF, led these trials to assess the impact of soil compaction on pasture growth and to demonstrate the effectiveness of Agraforum’s soil treatments. Dr Rajendram stated that “The trials have shown that addressing soil compaction through targeted treatments can significantly enhance pasture production, providing a sustainable solution for farmers to boost their productivity.”

Pasture production is influenced by five primary factors (1):

1. Soil Moisture: Adequate rainfall or irrigation is crucial, with less than 25% soil moisture negatively impacting growth.

2. Soil Temperature: Grass growth ceases when the soil temperature at 10 cm depth falls to 5-6 degrees Celsius.

3. Soil pH and Nutrients: Thirteen essential elements for plant growth, along with Co, Se, and I for animal health, are vital.

4. Soil Microbiology: Beneficial microbial activity supports plant health.

5. Soil Air Space (Air-Filled Porosity or Macroporosity): Compacted soil, with less than 10% air-filled porosity (AFP), significantly reduces pasture production. Each percentage drop below this threshold results in a 10% reduction in yield (based on AgResearch trials)(2).

Since 1995, the Waikato Regional Council has been monitoring soil quality at 150 sites across the Waikato region, focusing on volcanic ash and pumice soils used for dairying, beef, cropping, and forestry. Seven soil quality tests are conducted at each site, including air-filled porosity. The 2019 data revealed that 94% of dairy farming sites had concerning soil quality, with excessively high fertility and soil compaction affecting approximately 85% of the sites. (Waikato Regional Council)(3).

Aim and Methodology

The aim of the trials was to demonstrate that Agraforum’s soil compaction treatment can improve soil aeration and pasture growth. The trials involved:

– Four irrigated Canterbury dairy farms, with two using Agraforum’s treatments for several years and two untreated.

– Monthly pasture measurements using a ride-on mower and digital scales.

– Soil temperature monitoring, starting at 14 degrees Celsius and dropping to 5 degrees Celsius by the third cut.

Each farm had ten plots (2m x 10m), and the trials commenced in the last week of February 2024, with pasture cuts taken over a 105-day autumn period.


The results were conclusive:

– The two treated farms produced approximately 1,000 kg DM/ha (33%) more dry matter than the best untreated farm.

– Compared to the second untreated and most compacted farm, the treated farms yielded over 2,000 kg DM/ha (80%) more pasture.

Graphs from the study clearly illustrate the superior performance of treated farms in terms of total pasture grown and growth rates, particularly for the first cut.

Graph 1: Shows Total pasture grown for ~ 105 days for the 2 Agraforum Treated and Untreated Farms.

Graph 2: Shows the growth rates for the first cut for the farms. The Treated farms grew twice and 3 times the more pasture than the Untreated farms for the first cut.

Raw Data

Agraforum- Treated -Farm 1Kg DM hectareDays GrowthKg DM/dayTemperature
Cut 11958277314
Cut 21226353510
Cut 33884395
Agraforum Treated -Farm 2Days GrowthKg DM/day
Cut 118272963
Cut 211804030
Cut 3307369
Non Treated Farm-3Kg DM hectareDays GrowthKg DM/day
Cut 111274028
Cut 211735322
Cut 3   
230093(105)25 (22)
Non Treated Farm – 4Kg DM hectareDays GrowthKg DM/day
Cut 14293014
Cut 2262348
Cut 3   
69164(105)11 (7)


These findings highlight the importance of addressing soil compaction to improve pasture production. Agraforum’s soil aeration treatments have proven to be highly effective, offering a practical solution for farmers seeking to enhance productivity and sustainability.

It takes ~ 10 kg of Dry matter of good quality pasture to produce 1 kg milk solid.(4)

Four other field trials alongside Agraforum will be commencing this Spring in the Otago region, so watch this space.

“By improving soil aeration and reducing compaction, we can unlock the full potential of pasture growth, ensuring healthier soils and more productive farms.” – Dr Gordon Rajendram, PhD, Soil Scientist/Consultant

About Dr Gordon Rajendram

Dr Gordon Rajendram is a renowned soil scientist and independent consultant with extensive experience in soil fertility, agronomy, and farm environmental consultancy. His expertise has been instrumental in bringing scientific solutions to the agricultural sector, improving productivity and sustainability for farmers across New Zealand.

About Allan Pirecy

Allan Piercy is a seasoned vet who worked in a rural clinic in South Taranaki for 20 years before moving to Mid Canterbury, where he headed a large veterinary practice. His primary focus was on dairy cattle, preventive medicine, and ensuring economic returns for farmers. Recognising that many animal health and production issues stemmed from poor soil nutrition and structure, Allan founded Agraforum New Zealand in 2007, aimed at addressing animal health and production issues through improved soil and crop management. Allan’s guiding principle is, “Correct the cause of a problem, don’t continue to treat the symptoms.”

Contact Agraforum New Zealand

0800 488 118

Allan: 0274 485 159

Email: allan@agraforum.co.nz

Website: www.agraforum.co.nz

Contact Information:

Dr Gordon Rajendram 

Soil Scientist/Consultant 

9 Kakanui Avenue, Hillcrest, Hamilton 3216 

Cell: 021 466 077 

Email: rajendram@xtra.co.nz 

Website: www.gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz

‘Bringing Science to the Farm’


Contact Media PA


027 458 7724



1. Rajendram G.S. Soil fertility, soil nutrients and their fate. https://gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz/620/the-importance-of-independent-soil-advice/).

2. Betteridge K, Drewry J, Mackay A, Singleton P. (2003). Managing treading damage on dairy and beef farms in NZ. Booklet by CRI, AgResearch – Land and Environment Management Group. Research on dairy and beef cattle in Northland, Waikato, Manawatu, and Southland in the 1990s.

3. Waikato Regional Council. Soil quality monitoring data (2019).

4. https://www.dairynz.co.nz/animal/nutrition/lactating-cow/

Prime Real Estate Opportunities in Mangatangi, Maramarua

Lot 1

930 Monument Road (Lot 1), Mangatangi

Lot 1 on Monument Road is an exceptional lifestyle property in Mangatangi, offering 8000m² of prime rural land. This vacant residential section is ideally situated to provide a peaceful retreat while still being accessible to necessary amenities. The property is set in a picturesque rural landscape, characterised by its proximity to productive dairy farms and lifestyle blocks, ensuring a balance of seclusion and community. With one building site already consented, this property presents a great development opportunity. The flat contour and manageable size make it an excellent choice for building a bespoke rural home. The potential to create a unique and personalised living space in a tranquil environment is immense.

Lot 2

10 Miller Road (Lot 2), Mangatangi

Nestled in the serene rural setting of Mangatangi, Lot 2 on Miller Road offers an expansive 1.33-hectare vacant section perfect for those seeking a tranquil lifestyle property. This rear lot, accessed off Miller Road, boasts a mainly flat, irregularly shaped terrain, providing multiple potential building sites. The property already has one building site consented, making it a great development opportunity. The rural residential zoning ensures a peaceful environment surrounded by economic dairy units and grazing properties, interspersed with rural lifestyle blocks. The large size and irregular shape of the lot offer numerous possibilities for creative landscaping and building, allowing you to craft a truly bespoke rural retreat.

The market value for both of these sections is estimated at $630,000, inclusive of GST, reflecting the area’s desirable location and the growing interest in lifestyle properties. No convenant.

Key Location Highlights

Both properties are well-connected with essential services, including electricity and rural mail delivery, making them convenient choices for future homes. Their strategic locations offer easy access to local attractions and amenities:

– Miranda: 8 minutes

– Local School: 1 minute

– Thames: 40 minutes

– Coromandel: 1 hour 36 minutes

– Auckland: 1 hour

– Hamilton: 1 hour 5 minutes

Market Insights and Opportunities

The rural lifestyle property market in the Waikato District has seen steady demand, with lifestyle property sales showing resilience. According to the latest data from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), lifestyle property sales have increased by 4.3% in the past three months compared to the previous period. This trend highlights the growing appeal of rural living, driven by the desire for space, tranquillity, and a closer connection to nature.

Both sections, with their competitive pricing and prime locations, are expected to attract significant interest. Whether you are looking to build a family home or invest in a valuable piece of real estate, these properties in Mangatangi offer a unique blend of rural charm and modern convenience. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to secure a slice of the idyllic Waikato countryside and create a personalised haven tailored to your lifestyle needs.

Contact Phillip Quay

Media PA
027 458 7724



Renowned Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram Calls For More Competition In the New Zealand Fertiliser Market

For Immediate Release

Date: 21 June 2024 

[Hamilton, New Zealand] – One of New Zealand’s most renowned experts in soil fertility, Dr Gordon Rajendram, today issued an urgent call for greater competition and innovation within New Zealand’s fertiliser industry to bring product prices down.

Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram

Dr Rajendram, who is a prominent speaker at rural industry forums throughout New Zealand, says his observations highlight a severe lack of competition leading to ongoing high fertiliser prices, stifled innovation, and a worrying lack of change in the fertiliser sector.

“The fertiliser market in New Zealand is dominated by a few key players, resulting in limited choices for consumers and consistently high prices,” says Dr Rajendram. “This monopoly-like situation sharpens awareness but also makes companies lazy, relying on their established market positions rather than striving for improvement. Many of these companies are selling the same products they did in the 1950s, with little to no innovation. Super phosphate, has done more for New Zealand’s economy than any politician ever has, but it’s time for change.”

The current market shows fertiliser prices still above pre-COVID levels, with super phosphate approximately at $425 per tonne and urea at $795 per tonne. Farmers are now starting to look for alternatives due to these high prices and question marks over environmental aspects of traditional fertiliser products.

“In the past, it was more about growing as much pasture as possible. Now, it’s also important to ensure whatever you apply doesn’t run off and leach, causing environmental issues,” adds Dr Rajendram. This shift in focus from merely growing pasture or crops to keeping nutrients in the soil requires more efficient, low phosphate, and slow-release fertilisers that are less water soluble.

“A prime example of the benefits of competition can be seen in the dairy industry, where the presence of multiple companies has led to significant advancements in product quality and efficiency.

“The fertiliser industry could learn a lot from this. Innovation is essential for addressing the evolving needs of modern agriculture, particularly in a country like New Zealand, where farming is a cornerstone of the economy, Dr Rajendram said.

“Currently, the focus seems to be on maintaining the status quo but Rajendram says that the agricultural sector requires fertilisers that are not only effective but also environmentally sustainable. Without competition, there is little incentive for any company to move forward and innovate,” he said.

Dr Rajendram emphasises the need for urgent industry transformation to prevent it from becoming a sunset industry. “Competition sharpens everyone’s prices and forces companies to offer better products,” he says.

“In conclusion, the New Zealand fertiliser industry needs a shake-up. More competition will lead to better products, fairer prices, and ultimately, a stronger agricultural sector. It’s time for fertiliser companies to stop resting on their laurels and start driving the innovation that our farmers need,” Dr Rajendram says.

For more information, please contact:

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077



About Dr Gordon Rajendram: 

Dr Gordon Rajendram is a distinguished independent soil scientist with extensive experience in the agricultural sector. His work focuses on improving soil health and sustainability practices in farming, making him a respected voice in the industry.

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027 458 7724


Agraforum New Zealand Highlights EnviroCal for Soil Aeration and Compaction Solutions

Agraforum New Zealand, a leader in agricultural innovation, today emphasised the benefits of EnviroCal over traditional mechanical aeration for soil compaction management. Soil compaction is a significant issue affecting crop productivity by limiting root growth, water infiltration, and nutrient absorption. Effective soil aeration is crucial for sustainable agriculture, as it enhances these essential processes. Agraforum’s research and development have led to the development of EnviroCal, a superior solution that addresses soil compaction through chemical means, offering a sustainable, efficient, and long-lasting improvement in soil health.

Allan Piercy and Dr Gordon Rajendram

EnviroCal: The Non-Physical Solution

EnviroCal utilises free unbound calcium to create aeration, unlike bound calcium in lime and gypsum. This approach works quickly, showing results within 4-6 weeks, and offers long-lasting effects without the need for physical intervention. By improving soil structure and reducing compaction, EnviroCal enhances root growth, water infiltration, and nutrient absorption.

The Science Behind EnviroCal

EnviroCal leverages the unique properties of free unbound calcium ions. When applied to the soil, these calcium ions displace magnesium, potassium or sodium ions and bind with soil particles, promoting flocculation. This process helps to create larger soil aggregates, enhancing soil structure and porosity. Improved soil porosity allows for better air and water movement within the soil, which is crucial for healthy root development and efficient nutrient uptake. This scientific mechanism differentiates EnviroCal from traditional calcium sources like lime and gypsum, where calcium is  bound and electrically neutralised and less effective in altering soil structure. By increasing available calcium, this also adjusts the electrical charge of soil colloids, promoting aggregation and improving soil health.

Allan Piercy, Directing Manager of Agraforum New Zealand, stated, “EnviroCal offers a non-physical, effective solution for soil compaction, ensuring sustainable soil health. Our focus is to provide farmers with efficient and environmentally friendly options for optimal soil management.”

Mechanical Aeration: A Labour-Intensive and Less Sustainable Approach

While mechanical aeration provides immediate results by physically creating small holes in the soil, it is temporary because you haven’t changed the under lying cause, is  labour-intensive and requires frequent repetition, making it less sustainable. The method involves using tools like aerators or tillers to break up compacted soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate more effectively. However, the benefits are often short-lived, especially in soils prone to recurrent compaction where the problem is lack of  the correct electrical polarity on the individual soil colloids.

Advantages of EnviroCal:

1. Quick Results: Effective within 4-6 weeks.

2. Sustained Aeration: Long-lasting improvement without the need for repeated physical interventions.

3. Soil Health: Promotes a healthy, well-aerated soil structure which is essential for root growth, nutrient absorption and microbial activity.

4. Environmental Benefits: Reduces the need for frequent mechanical disruption, preserving soil integrity and promoting ecological balance.

Dr Gordon Rajendram, soil scientist, adds, “Understanding the importance of free unbound calcium in soil aeration is key. EnviroCal stands out as a superior solution for long-term soil health and productivity. Unlike mechanical aeration, EnviroCal provides a more enduring solution that supports continuous soil improvement and reduces the need for constant intervention.”

About Agraforum New Zealand

By promoting the use of EnviroCal, Agraforum aims to equip farmers with the best tools and knowledge to improve soil management practices. This commitment to sustainable agriculture ensures that New Zealand’s farmers can achieve higher productivity while maintaining environmental integrity.

To find out more, give Allan a call and he can discuss the benefits of EnviroCal and how it can enhance your farming operation.

Contact Agraforum

Mobile: 0274 485 159
Email: allan@Agraforum.co.nz


Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724

Profile Fertilisers New Zealand, Highlights the Power of Fertilisers for Soil Microbiology Health

New Zealand – June 18th, 2024 – Profile Fertilisers, at the forefront of the agricultural revolution with their innovative products underscores the critical role of alternative fertilisers in maintaining and enhancing soil microbiology, essential for sustainable agriculture. Their product, Elevate, exemplifies how alternative fertiliser solutions can benefit soil health and crop productivity.

“Alternative fertilisers like Elevate are vital for sustainable soil management, enhancing microbial health and ensuring long-term soil fertility,” says Don Henderson, Director of Profile Fertilisers.

Understanding Soil Microbiology:

Soil is teeming with life, housing billions of microorganisms per gram. These include bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, and protozoa, all playing vital roles in nutrient cycling, organic matter decomposition, and plant health. Healthy microbial populations are essential for converting organic matter into nutrients that plants can readily absorb, thus maintaining soil fertility and structure.

Key Benefits of Elevate:

1. Enhancing Soil Microbiology:

   – Elevate fosters a diverse and active microbial community, crucial for nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition.

2. pH Enhancement and Aluminium Reduction:

   – By raising soil pH and reducing aluminium toxicity, Elevate creates a more favourable environment for microbial life and plant growth.

3. Consistent Nutrient Supply:

   – Elevate provides a reliable supply of nutrients, supporting both plants and microbes over time. This continuous nutrient availability is vital for sustaining robust microbial populations and ensuring efficient nutrient cycling.

4. Improved Soil Structure:

   – Enhanced microbial activity leads to better soil structure, increased water retention, aeration, and root penetration, creating an ideal environment for plant growth.

Dr Gordon Rajendram, a renowned soil scientist, adds, “Elevate’s ability to balance soil pH and foster microbial activity marks a significant advancement in sustainable agriculture. Healthy soil microbiology is the cornerstone of resilient and productive farming systems.”


Profile Fertilisers’ Elevate demonstrates the importance of the role that lime based products have in promoting healthy soil microbiology. By adopting such innovative solutions, farmers can achieve healthier soils and more resilient crops, contributing to a more sustainable future for agriculture.

For more information, visit Profile Fertilisers or give Don or the factory a call and the team can teach you more about the benefits of their products.

About Profile Fertilisers:

Profile Fertilisers is dedicated to providing innovative, sustainable solutions for modern agriculture, focusing on enhancing soil health and crop productivity through advanced fertiliser technologies.

Contact Profile Fertilisers

Don Henderson: 021 643 698

Factory:027 222 7698


Contact Phillip Quay


027 458 7724


Understanding the Science Behind Slow-Release Fertilisers by Profile Fertilisers, New Zealand

In the ever-evolving field of agriculture, slow-release fertilisers have become a game-changer for farmers seeking sustainable and efficient nutrient management. Profile Fertilisers, based in New Zealand, offers an innovative range of slow-release fertilisers that differ significantly from conventional options. Understanding what sets these fertilisers apart can help farmers make informed decisions for their crops.

Traditional fertilisers often release nutrients rapidly upon application, leading to a quick but short-lived nutrient surge in the soil. This can result in nutrient leaching, where excess nutrients wash away into water systems, causing environmental issues and reducing the efficiency of fertiliser use. In contrast, slow-release fertilisers are designed to release nutrients gradually, matching the natural uptake patterns of plants.

Key Components of Slow-Release Fertilisers:

1. Coating Materials: One of the primary features of slow-release fertilisers is the use of coating materials that control the rate at which nutrients are released. These coatings can be made from natural or synthetic materials such as sulphur, polymer, or resin. The coating acts as a barrier, allowing water to penetrate slowly and dissolve the nutrients at a controlled pace.

2. Encapsulation Technology: Advanced encapsulation technology is employed to encase the fertiliser granules. This technology ensures that nutrients are released over an extended period, typically ranging from several weeks to months. The rate of release can be precisely tailored based on the crop’s nutrient needs and environmental conditions.

3. Controlled Solubility: The solubility of the fertiliser components is another critical factor. Slow-release fertilisers are formulated with nutrient compounds that dissolve slowly in water. This controlled solubility prevents the rapid depletion of nutrients and ensures a consistent supply to the plants.

4. Microbial Decomposition: Some slow-release fertilisers incorporate organic materials that require microbial decomposition to release nutrients. This natural process not only provides a steady nutrient flow but also enhances soil health by promoting beneficial microbial activity.

Profile Fertilisers’ commitment to innovation and sustainability is evident in their range of slow-release fertilisers. These products are designed not only to meet the nutritional needs of crops but also to align with the principles of sustainable agriculture. By understanding the science behind slow-release fertilisers, farmers can better appreciate their benefits and make choices that support both their productivity and the environment.

In conclusion, slow-release fertilisers from Profile Fertilisers offer a sophisticated solution to the challenges of modern agriculture. With advanced coating technologies, controlled solubility, and microbial decomposition, these fertilisers provide a steady and efficient nutrient supply, fostering sustainable farming practices in New Zealand and beyond.

Contact Profile Fertilisers

Don Henderson: 021 643 698

Factory: 027 222 7698


Contact Phillip Quay


027 458 7724


Addressing Nitrate N Leaching in Twizel: Insights from Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram and Allan Piercy from Agraforum New Zealand

The Wairepo Catchment Group and the Omarama Stream Water Users Group of Mackenzie Country recently hosted a presentation titled “Advancing Sustainable Agriculture in New Zealand.” The event featured Dr Gordon Rajendram, a soil scientist and independent consultant, and Allan Piercy, managing director of Agraforum New Zealand. Held on 29 April 2024 in Twizel. The talk emphasised the urgent need to reduce nitrate N leaching by half to maintain farming consents, given the region’s low rainfall, cold winters, and predominant dairying, cattle and sheep farming. In order to farm sustainability in this area, there needs to be a whole catchment approach.

Dr Rajendram explained that the area’s soils, with an Anion Storage Capacity (ASC) averaging around 15% and low Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), are not conducive to retaining nutrients. This results in significant leaching losses, especially with higher stocking rates and cattle grazing on pastoral land. Nutrient loading rates in urine patches can be as high as 600-900 kg of nitrogen and potassium, which penetrate below the pasture root zone and leach into waterways.

 In any 1 year 28% of the paddock is covered in dung and urine at a 3 cow per hectare stocking rate.

Twizel experiences low annual rainfall, averaging around 700 mm, and cold temperatures, with winter lows often dropping below freezing. “These conditions hinder nutrient retention and increase the likelihood of leaching. The region relies on irrigation, which is vital for pasture production.” Dr Rajendram emphasised the importance of water availability for effective farming and practical solutions such as using biochar/humates (pure carbon source) to bind nitrogen and other nutrients, use of stand off pads/herd homes to reduce urination events on paddocks or reducing cattle/cow numbers to mitigate environmental impacts. If for instance the cattle were on stand off pads or a herd home for half a day, the nitrate leaching into water ways will reduce by half of what it is at present.

Dr. Rajendram explained that if pure carbon such as Biochar was used and was incorporated into the soil to achieve an approximate 10% biochar/90% soil ratio, it would reduce nitrate leaching down to zero. Any farmer can make biochar from Wilding pines which is a pest in the Mackenzie basin.  Rajendram explains that Trevor Richards of Biochar NZ gave a practical demonstration on a Twizel farm on making biochar in pits using Wilding pines.  

Rajendram et al 1996 Cation and Anion leaching (Article link)

 Allan Piercy’s Contributions from Agraforum New Zealand

Following Dr Rajendram’s presentation, Allan Piercy discussed Agraforum New Zealand’s role in providing solutions to nitrate N leaching. Piercy introduced several key products designed to enhance pasture production while reducing fertiliser dependency. A highlight of his talk was El-I-Tech’s Biodynamic N, a product that facilitates biological nitrogen fixation, significantly reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers.

Piercy emphasised that integrating these products into nutrient management plans can significantly reduce nutrient leaching and improve soil health. Other notable products mentioned included:

  • EnviroCal: Improves soil structure and water penetration, enhancing drought resistance.
  • ComCat: Activates plants’ root growth and defence mechanisms, increasing stress resistance and improving crop/product growth.
  • ZumSil: Enhances phosphate and mineral uptake, improving soil texture and water retention.

“Our products offer a practical solution to nutrient management challenges, helping farmers reduce leaching and improve soil health for long-term sustainability.” – Allan Piercy, Managing Director of Agraforum New Zealand

Piercy emphasised that integrating these products into a nutrient management plan can significantly reduce nutrient leaching and improve soil health. Agraforum New Zealand’s focus on sustainable farming practices ensures that their solutions not only address immediate nutrient retention issues but also contribute to long-term soil health and productivity.

These insights and solutions provide a comprehensive approach to tackling the nitrate N leaching challenge in Twizel, ensuring sustainable and productive farming practices. For more information on Agraforum New Zealand’s products, visit Agraforum New Zealand Products.

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077



Contact Agraforum New Zealand

Mobile: 0274 485 159
Email: allan@agraforum.co.nz


Contact Phillip Quay


027 458 7724


Enhancing Soil Magnetism and Addressing Compaction with Envirocal – Agraforum New Zealand

Soil magnetism plays a crucial role in soil health, affecting nutrient availability, soil structure, and microbial activity. An often-overlooked cause of soil compaction is the loss of electrical charge in soil colloids—tiny charged particles essential for maintaining soil structure. This disruption, caused by excessive salts, sodium, and poor agricultural practices, weakens soil colloids, leading to compaction and degradation.

Envirocal, a calcium-based soil conditioner, addresses these issues by enhancing the electrical charge of soil colloids. Calcium helps bind soil particles together into aggregates, improving soil structure and health. This creates a favourable environment for soil microbes, which are vital for forming soil aggregates and enhancing soil structure through the production of glomalin.

Correcting Soil Compaction

Compaction, often seen as a result of heavy machinery or excess rainfall, actually stems from the loss of electrical charge in soil colloids. These colloids act like magnets, with internal and external electrical charges that bind them into aggregates by attracting a balance of cations and anions. When this balance is disrupted by excessive salts (found in most fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides), sodium, or poor agricultural practices, the colloids weaken and disperse, leading to soil degradation and erosion.

The key to mitigating compaction lies in correcting mineral balances, particularly by increasing available calcium. This enhances the electrical charge of soil colloids, promoting aggregation and improving soil health. Improved soil structure also fosters a hospitable environment for soil microbes, crucial for forming soil aggregates and enhancing soil structure through glomalin production.

Addressing soil compaction and enhancing soil magnetism with Envirocal is essential for sustainable farming. By improving soil structure and nutrient availability, Envirocal helps create a healthier soil environment, leading to better crop yields and long-term soil health. As highlighted by Agraforum New Zealand, focusing on correcting the underlying causes of compaction is crucial for maintaining productive and sustainable agricultural practices.

Contact Agraforum New Zealand

Mobile: 0274 485 159
Email: allan@agraforum.co.nz


Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724