Building Dreams: John Price and the Evolution of a Handyman Business

In the nascent stages of his business, John Price, founder of a budding handyman enterprise, draws inspiration from his longstanding satisfaction in wielding power tools. With a background rich in diverse experiences and skills acquired in different fields, John decided to channel his knowledge and expertise into a venture that serves the community. His motivation lies in aiding others in turning their property visions into tangible realities.

The key products and services offered by John’s business are sourced primarily through ITM Oregon, covering an array of offerings, including kitchens, fencing, decking, gates, painting (interior/exterior), landscaping, light arborist work, water blasting, and garden maintenance.

Targeting real estate establishments, property managers, retirement homes, holiday campgrounds, and community homeowners, John aims to cater to a broad spectrum of clients. His three key messages include the provision of free, no-obligation quotes, the availability of property care packages spanning three months, six months, and yearly durations, and a commitment to evaluating even the smallest jobs.

Beyond his business endeavours, John’s personal interests and hobbies showcase a multifaceted individual. From playing various musical instruments to gym workouts, rock climbing, drawing, and indulging in literature, John finds joy in a diverse range of activities. His passion for chess, love for cooking, and the desire to share these experiences with others further highlight the depth of his personality.

While John is still exploring the concept of social giving, he expresses interest in its potential impact, having heard about it during his initial NZ Business Connect event. In terms of charity support, John aligns himself with KidsCan, emphasising a commitment to giving back to the community.

Participating in his first networking group, John looks forward to the personal and professional development that can arise from being part of a community greater than himself. As his handyman business takes its initial steps, John Price envisions a future where he not only builds structures but also lasting connections within the community.

Contact John Price

0204 1265 847

Facebook Page

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724