Merge Communications, Wellington: Key Reasons Why Hackers Target Mobile Devices and How to Stop Them

In today’s digital era, mobile devices have become an integral part of daily life, offering convenience and connectivity. However, this increased reliance on mobile technology has also made these devices prime targets for hackers. Merge Communications of Wellington highlights the importance of safeguarding mobile devices from potential threats. Here’s why hackers focus on mobile devices and how they can be protected.

Why Hackers Target Mobile Devices

  • High Value of Data: Mobile devices store a wealth of personal and business data, including emails, contacts, financial information, and sensitive documents.
  • Vulnerable Applications: Many mobile apps do not follow stringent security protocols, making them susceptible to attacks. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in apps to gain access to devices and the data stored on them.
  • Inadequate Security Measures: Often, users do not implement robust security measures on their mobile devices. Weak passwords, lack of encryption, and infrequent updates create easy entry points for hackers.
  • Prevalence of Phishing Attacks: Mobile devices are frequently used for communication, making them prime targets for phishing attacks.
  • Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks: Public Wi-Fi networks are convenient but often lack proper security. Hackers can intercept data transmitted over these networks, gaining access to personal and business information.

CERT NZ’s recent report highlights a 66% increase in financial losses due to cybercrime in the first quarter of 2023, reflecting the significant impact of these threats on individuals and businesses in New Zealand. Phishing and credential harvesting remain the most reported incident categories, accounting for a substantial portion of the 1,968 incidents responded to by CERT NZ in this period (CERTNZ).

How to Protect Mobile Devices

Use Samsung Knox: The foremost step in protecting mobile devices is using Samsung Knox, a defence-grade mobile security solution provided by Merge Communications. Samsung Knox offers multi-layered protection, ensuring that your data remains secure against sophisticated threats.

    • Strong Passwords and Biometrics: Ensure that mobile devices are secured with strong, unique passwords or biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint or facial recognition.
    • Regular Updates: Keep the device’s operating system and applications updated to patch security vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates where possible to ensure you are protected against the latest threats.
    • App Permissions: Review the permissions requested by apps before installing them. Avoid granting unnecessary permissions that could compromise device security.
    • Public Wi-Fi Caution: Avoid conducting sensitive transactions, such as online banking, over public Wi-Fi networks. Use a virtual private network (VPN) for a more secure connection.

    Merge Communications is committed to helping individuals and businesses protect their mobile devices. By understanding why hackers target mobile devices and implementing Samsung Knox, it is possible to safeguard data and maintain digital security in New Zealand.

    Get in touch with Merge Communications today to learn what they can do for you!

    Contact Merge Communications

    0800 77 55 33

    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    How to Implement Effective Mobile Security in Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide with Merge Communications, New Zealand

    As mobile devices become integral to business operations, securing them is paramount. Implementing effective mobile security requires a strategic approach, addressing various vulnerabilities and ensuring robust protection against cyber threats. Here’s a step-by-step guide from Merge Communications, your ‘go to’ company for effective mobile security solutions.

    1. Assess Your Current Security Posture

    Start by evaluating the existing security measures for your mobile devices. Identify any gaps or weaknesses in your current setup. This assessment should include an inventory of all mobile devices in use, their operating systems, and any security software currently installed.

    2. Develop a Comprehensive Mobile Security Policy

    Create a detailed mobile security policy outlining acceptable use, security protocols, and the responsibilities of employees. This policy should cover aspects such as password requirements, encryption standards, and guidelines for accessing corporate data remotely.

    3. Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solutions

    Deploy an MDM solution to manage and secure all mobile devices within your organisation. MDM tools enable you to enforce security policies, remotely wipe data from lost or stolen devices, and monitor device compliance. Choose an MDM solution that fits the size and needs of your business.

    4. Ensure Regular Software Updates and Patches

    Keep all mobile operating systems and applications up-to-date with the latest security patches. Regular updates are crucial in protecting against known vulnerabilities and new cyber threats.

    5. Educate Employees on Mobile Security Best Practices

    Conduct training sessions to educate employees about mobile security risks and best practices. Emphasise the importance of recognising phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and avoiding public Wi-Fi networks for accessing sensitive information.

    6. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Require multi-factor authentication for accessing corporate resources. MFA adds an extra layer of security by combining something the user knows (password) with something they have (security token or mobile device).

    7. Encrypt Sensitive Data

    Ensure all sensitive data stored on mobile devices is encrypted. Encryption protects data from unauthorised access, even if the device is compromised.

    8. Regularly Review and Update Security Measures

    Mobile security is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update your security measures to address emerging threats and incorporate new technologies.

    By following these steps, your business can establish a robust mobile security framework. Merge Communications emphasises that proactive security measures are essential to protect valuable data and ensure smooth operations. Implementing these practices can significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks, keeping your business secure and competitive in the digital age.

    Get in touch with Merge Communications today to learn what they can do for you!

    Contact Merge Communications

    0800 77 55 33

    Contact Media PA

    027 458 7724

    Mobile Devices – An Under-Recognised Business Risk: Merge Communications Spotlights the Neglected Frontier of Mobile Device Security

    Press Release

    Merge Communications 28-5-24

    Did you know that there are 5.9 million mobile phone connections in New Zealand?

    While most New Zealand businesses take laptop and traditional IT hardware cyber protection seriously, mobile devices tend to be overlooked. A significant number of business mobile phones and tablets in New Zealand are not equipped with sufficient cybersecurity measures, leaving businesses vulnerable to cyber-attacks and exploitation.

    Recognising the growing need for business mobile phone and tablet protection, Wellington’s Merge Communications presents Samsung Knox as protection against mobile device digital attacks. As leaders in Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions, they reinforce the importance of robust mobile device digital defence for businesses.

    Mobile Phones: The Overlooked Risk in Business Security

    The disparity in security measures between laptops/desktops and smartphones is stark. Many businesses, equipped with advanced security systems and tools for traditional computing devices, unwittingly leave a gaping vulnerability with mobile phones. This oversight leaves the door wide open to an array of threats, placing corporate data in jeopardy.

    Motivating Businesses Toward Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

    Some businesses might have delayed implementing protection for mobile devices, mistakenly thinking it to be either challenging or costly. However, the technology has advanced significantly, and there are now tools available to safeguard your mobile devices that are both simple to use and affordable.

    Applying modern cybersecurity tools to your mobile devices provides robust security measures against a variety of cyber threats:

    • Phishing, where hackers deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information through seemingly legitimate messages or emails,
    • Malware, with malicious software installed on the device to steal data or monitor activities without the user’s knowledge,
    • Spyware, a specific type of malware, clandestinely observes the user’s actions and collects personal information,
    • SIM swapping attacks involve hackers transferring a victim’s phone number to a SIM card in their possession, enabling them to intercept messages and bypass security protocols,
    • Lastly, network spoofing, where hackers create fake Wi-Fi networks to lure users into connecting, allows them to easily capture any data transmitted over the network.

    A Cautionary Tale of Complacency

    A single successful cyber-attack on a mobile device that results in data loss for a business or organisation could result in a breach of the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, under which fines start at $10,000 per instance and have been known to be as high as $150,000.  This is without counting the brand damage caused and any other costs incurred to recover from the data breach.

    Presenting Samsung Knox: An Innovative Solution for a Global Issue

    Samsung Knox is an all-encompassing mobile security solution, endorsed by Merge Communications, which is designed to fortify businesses against the multifaceted mobile device cyber threats faced today. It is versatile, supporting anywhere from 20 to over 1000 connections within a company, proving it’s suitable not only for large corporates but for smaller enterprises as well. “Samsung Knox is a game-changer in the way we approach mobile security,” asserts Paul Butterworth, Managing Director of Merge Communications. “It’s about elevating our defence mechanisms, ensuring our business systems are fortified against the range of cybersecurity threats.”

    Corporate Cabs, acclaimed as a “Superbrand” for two consecutive years, has chosen Samsung Knox for its mobile device management needs. Mobile phones and tablets are crucial in Corporate Cabs’ operations, requiring top-notch security, reliability, and maintenance. Samsung Knox delivers a leading-edge solution, enabling Corporate Cabs to easily manage, secure, and customise devices through a user-friendly cloud portal.

    Crafting a Comprehensive Approach to Mobile Device Security

    Adopting an effective mobile device security stance involves more than just technical solutions; it demands a strategic approach to mobile device security. With Samsung Knox, businesses can secure their mobile environments comprehensively, addressing everything from active device management to the secure disposal and data sanitisation of obsolete devices.

    About Merge Communications

    At the forefront of mobile cybersecurity, Merge Communications specialises in crafting solutions that tackle the digital age’s challenges head-on. With a focus on Mobile Device Management (MDM) and pioneering technologies like Samsung Knox, Merge Communications is dedicated to empowering businesses with the knowledge and tools needed for secure and efficient operations in today’s interconnected world.


    For more information, please visit or contact:

     0800 77 55 33

    Ensuring Adequate Home and Commercial Insurance Cover: Insights from Wayne Cooney, Insurance Broker

    A home is often one of the biggest assets a person can have. Therefore, it is crucial not to risk being underinsured. Insurance broker Wayne Cooney believes that ensuring the correct level of home insurance is vital, even during challenging times. For those with a mortgage, the bank will want to know that the insured value is valid in the current market.

    The mentality of “it will never happen to me” regarding business, home, contents, or car cover is not a winning attitude. The frequent call-outs by the fire service across New Zealand attest to this. Using a contents calculator to check current cover levels can be an eye-opener, revealing potential shortfalls in coverage.

    The Cordell Calculator provides a realistic estimate of rebuilding costs in the current market. It is important to factor in expenses like debris removal and professional fees. If these are not included in the insurance cover, homeowners may end up paying out of pocket.

    Commercial insurance is not immune either. Regular reviews of cover levels by a broker are essential. Risk reports can be provided for various industries, offering real insights into potential exposures. If a business owner has never seen one for their industry, now is the time to do so.

    Changes in turnover, directors, or staffing numbers can impact liabilities and business interruption covers. It is essential that insurance brokers or providers are informed of these changes. A proactive broker should regularly check these details with their clients.

    New risks are always emerging, and cyber cover, for example, is becoming increasingly important for businesses in New Zealand. What was not considered an exposure 20 years ago may now be front and centre. It is crucial to ensure that insurance cover evolves with these changing risks to protect valuable assets.

    Is your insurance due for renewal? Give Wayne Cooney your go-to insurance broker a call for a free quote or review today!

    Contact Wayne Cooney

    021 347 640

    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    John Kane and Dylan Pehi from XP Electrical: Providing Versatile Electrical Solutions

    John Kane and Dylan Pehi embarked on a journey in 2019 to establish XP Electrical, driven by a shared vision of offering unparalleled services with a personal touch. They have a solid foundation in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical work. With having a combined 35 years of local and international experience in the electrical industry, spanning both hands on work and project management roles, John and Dylan bring a wealth of knowledge to every project. From routine tasks to complex projects, their expertise ensures they’re well equipped to handle any electrical challenge.

    Dylan and John, XP Electrical

    Beyond their professional lives, they share a love for renovation projects, sports, and the joys of family life. John and Dylans mutual interests and experiences, coupled with the inspiration drawn from their young families, fuel the success and dedication they bring to their business endeavours.

    XP Electrical focuses on residential property work, industrial solutions including pump stations and factory installations, commercial property projects such as shop fit-outs, and comprehensive property maintenance services. Additionally, their expertise extends to conducting thorough electrical inspections and ensuring safety and compliance across various premises.

    Accessibility, impeccable workmanship, and a stellar team are XP Electricals’ three core principals. Both John and Dylan remain readily available to address client needs, fostering strong relationships built on trust and reliability. With a team comprising individuals like Dylan, adept in fostering business relationships, and Mitchell, a technical expert with a penchant for problem-solving, XP Electrical boasts a diverse skill set crucial for delivering top-notch service.

    What sets XP Electrical apart is their unwavering commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. From their can-do attitude to their direct involvement in every project, John and his team exude professionalism and competence. Their track record of successful projects, including major upgrades for esteemed clients like the Hauraki District Council, speaks volumes about their capabilities.

    Looking ahead, XP Electrical envisions expanding their footprint across the Waikato Region, cementing their reputation as a go-to provider for electrical solutions. Through strategic partnerships with organizations like Refresh Renovations Hamilton and Proflow Plumbing, they aim to enhance their reach and impact within the community.

    Connect with XP Electrical through their website or follow them on Instagram and Facebook. With XP Electrical, rest assured, your electrical needs are in safe, reliable hands.

    Contact XP Electrical

    027 9735 321

    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    iCLAW | The Mount Lawyers Sebastian Bucher: Providing Expert Legal Assistance for Families and Beyond

    Founded in 1999, iClaw – The Mount Lawyers, now known as iCLAW | The Mount Lawyers following its merger with iCLAW in 2022, has been a steadfast presence in the legal landscape. Committed to client service, integrity, and delivering quality legal advice, the firm’s journey has been shaped by a dedication to providing a relaxed, friendly environment where clients feel supported. Specialising in general practice they offer a diverse range of services including property, business, and trust law, alongside estate planning and management.

    Sebastian (Seb) Bucher

    Their expertise extends to family trusts, wills, enduring powers of attorney, and estate administration, catering to the varied needs of their clientele. They focus on serving wealthy families and individuals, also assisting those entering the property market, small to mediumsized businesses, and clients in need of legal advice and assistance. Their services cater to a broad spectrum of legal needs, ensuring accessibility to all.

    Sebastian (Seb) Bucher brings a diverse legal background, having practiced law in various locations including his hometown of Taupo, overseas in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Auckland before settling in Tauranga. His experience spans a broad spectrum of legal areas, with a particular focus on property law, business sales, trusts, and asset planning.

    Seb’s expertise lies in “all things property,” making him a go-to resource for clients navigating complex transactions such as business sales and acquisitions, commercial leases, and subdivision processes. His proficiency extends to estate planning matters, including Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney, ensuring comprehensive support for clients in safeguarding their assets. Known for his quick grasp of legal issues and practical, no-nonsense approach, Seb brings a vibrant and fresh outlook to his practice. Clients appreciate his ability to simplify complex matters and guide them through the legal process with clarity and efficiency.

    Seb’s interests revolve around sports, both as a participant and spectator, reflecting his active and dynamic approach to life. Sebastian supports the SPCA, advocating against animal cruelty and promoting animal welfare.

    For expert legal assistance, turn to Sebastian Bucher and the team at iCLAW | The Mount Lawyers. Connect with them on LinkedIn for updates and insightful articles covering a range of legal topics.

    Contact Sebastian Bucher

    07 575 4091


    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    Cyber Cover: Essential Protection for Today’s Digital Business Landscape – Wayne Cooney, New Zealand Insurance Broker

    In the rapidly evolving digital age, the threat of cyber breaches is more prevalent than ever, compelling businesses to reconsider their cyber security strategies. Insurance broker Wayne Cooney underscores the critical necessity of cyber cover—an insurance product specifically designed to mitigate the risks associated with online activities and data management.

    The importance of cyber cover cannot be overstated. As businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms, from cloud-based services to comprehensive IT infrastructures, the volume of sensitive information stored online escalates. This transformation heightens the risk of cyber threats, which have become a common occurrence across industries. A ‘yeah right’ attitude towards these threats can severely jeopardise a company’s operational integrity and reputation.

    The ramifications of a cyber incident extend far beyond the immediate disruption of business operations. They encompass a spectrum of financial burdens including, but not limited to, the costs of investigations, recovery measures, and potential ransoms. These expenses can accumulate rapidly, posing a significant financial strain. Cyber cover serves not only as a shield against these costs but also facilitates a quicker recovery, ensuring minimal operational downtime.

    Moreover, the mere process of considering cyber cover can be immensely beneficial. It often reveals existing vulnerabilities within a company’s cyber security protocols, allowing for timely enhancements. This proactive approach is crucial, as the effectiveness of a company’s security measures and controls are integral to maintaining a robust business framework.

      Inadequate protections not only invite cyber threats but can also tarnish a company’s reputation, potentially leading to loss of customer trust and business.

    In conclusion, as Wayne Cooney emphasises, cyber cover is not just an insurance product but a vital component of a modern business strategy. It reflects a company’s commitment to safeguarding its assets, data, and, importantly, its reputation. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of the digital world, investing in cyber cover is not just advisable—it is imperative.

     Is your insurance due for renewal? Give Wayne Cooney your go-to insurance broker a call for a free quote or review today!

     Contact Wayne Cooney

    021 347 640

     Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    Navigating Business: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Harvey (Graeme) Foote

    After selling his first business, Harvey (Graeme) Foote joined Advantage Business Advisors, where his role transcended from being a business owner to a beacon of guidance for others. At Advantage Business Advisors, Harvey dedicates his expertise to helping business owners navigate through their problems and achieve the success they’ve dreamt of. His approach is holistic, focusing on key areas such as People, Finance, Systems, Growth, and Succession, ensuring a well-rounded strategy for success.

    Harvey (Graeme) Foote

    Targeting SMEs across various sectors, Harvey’s mission is to bridge the gap between the dream of business ownership and the often harsh reality of managing one. He recognises that many business owners embark on their journeys with grand aspirations—be it the desire for flexible working hours, the pursuit of wealth, or the aim to contribute positively to their communities. Yet, the reality of business can be starkly different, with many finding themselves entangled in a web of challenges.

    Harvey’s work is pivotal in rekindling the original dreams of business owners. By assisting them in navigating challenges and seizing opportunities, he enables them to transform their businesses into the ventures they always envisioned. His approach is not just about business development; it’s about realising personal and professional dreams.

    Outside of his professional life, Harvey is passionate about fishing, golf, and travel—interests that not only provide him with a much-needed respite from the business world but also reflect his appreciation for life’s finer, simpler pleasures.

    Though new to networking groups, Harvey’s journey and contributions make him an invaluable member of any business community. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of mentorship, and the impact of giving back, both in business and in life.

    Contact Harvey (Graeme) Foote

    021 288 9226

    Advantage Business Advisers (Waikato)

    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    Felipe Rapucci: Pioneering Authenticity in Tattoos and Digital Connectivity

    Felipe Rapucci

    In 2014, Felipe Rapucci established Good Honest Tattoos with a definitive aim: to offer exceptional tattoos and permanent make-up at straightforward prices, while also fostering outstanding customer interactions. The name of the business itself reflects Felipe’s commitment to honesty, quality, and the positive impact his work aims to have on both individuals and the broader community. Specialising in bespoke tattoos, digital art, permanent make-up, and entertainment, Good Honest Tattoos stands out for its dedication to creativity, quality, and a personalised service, ensuring each piece of art is as unique as its wearer.

    Throughout his 25 years of tattooing and listening to all types of customers he has come up with solutions for everyday problems through app technology and product creation. Beyond tattooing, Rapucci’s innovative spirit led to the creation of the Walk-ins Available app in 2022, designed to revolutionise how small to medium businesses connect with customers through a seamless digital platform.

    The studio extends a warm invitation to individuals aged 18 and over, who are in search of distinctive and imaginative tattoos and permanent make-up solutions. Felipe takes pride in being an exceptional listener with a creative mindset, focusing on addressing simple yet commonly overlooked problems, thus making life easier for his clients.

    The Walk-ins Available app provides businesses and service providers with a platform for direct customer interaction. This app facilitates visibility, booking, and product sales, all within a user-friendly interface that integrates aspects of Google Search, Google Maps, Instagram, and traditional booking systems into a single, innovative solution.

    His dedication to progress, evolution, and awareness underscores a forward-thinking approach.

    Balancing projects, family life, and business has been both rewarding and challenging for Felipe, encapsulating his passion and love for his craft. Navigating the journey hasn’t been without its challenges, from balancing self-employment with family commitments to overcoming the hurdles associated with being a tattoo artist from abroad. The burgeoning competition within Hamilton, where the number of tattoo parlours has risen significantly, underscores the resilience and commitment required to stay ahead in the industry.

    Felipe’s interests in the arts, sports, technology, and family life blend harmoniously with his professional ethos. His approach to social giving extends beyond mere financial contributions, focusing on creating systems and ideas that facilitate community growth and individual empowerment. He is passionate about supporting rehabilitation programmes for young offenders, recovery initiatives for individuals struggling with addiction, and environmental sustainability efforts.

    Having experienced the benefits of networking groups, especially Business Connect, Felipe is eager to continue fostering connections with like-minded individuals, aiming to create a better future for our planet and its inhabitants. Under Felipe Rapucci’s guidance, Good Honest Tattoos is more than just a tattoo studio; it’s a beacon of creativity, honesty, and social responsibility, striving to make a lasting impact on both an individual and community level.

    Contact Felipe at Good Honest Tattoos

    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724

    Adam Brady: Manor Realty Pioneering a New Era in Property Management

    Since its inception in November 2022, Manor Realty has been at the forefront of revolutionising the property management and real estate industry. Head Property Manager Adam Brady appreciates that the company utilises a blend of modern technology and innovative content creation to transform how property management services are delivered. Manor Realty was founded on the principle of bringing a fresh perspective to the real estate market, focusing on efficiency, communication, and maximizing value for property owners and investors.

    Adam Brady

    The company ensures customer satisfaction with its boutique service model, which focuses on managing smaller portfolios. This approach ensures that every client receives personalised, efficient, and highly communicative service, reflecting Adam’s vision of tailored property management solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

    Manor Realty’s services are designed to appeal to a wide range of clients, from owners of one or more investment properties to those looking to invest in rental properties with the aid of Manor Realty’s free rent appraisal services. The company also caters to property owners overwhelmed by the demands of self-management, individuals relocating abroad but choosing to keep their property as a rental, and clients who are dissatisfied with their current property management services.

    Central to Manor Realty’s ethos are key messages of time freedom, legislative compliance, and financial maximisation. Adam and his team empower property owners to reclaim their time for personal passions, ensure their investments are safeguarded against legislative changes, and enhance returns and property value through strategic management.

    Adam’s personal interests, such as football, social events, travel, and hiking, mirror his professional philosophy of community engagement and personal well-being. This philosophy extends to his dedication to social responsibility, supporting organisations like Pathway and Send A Little Smile, reflecting a commitment to community welfare.

    With Adam Brady’s leadership as Head Property Manager, Manor Realty is not just managing properties but is enhancing the property management and investment experience, setting new benchmarks in the industry with its focus on personalisation, efficiency, and client value maximisation.

    Contact Adam Brady


    Contact Phillip Quay

    027 458 7724