John Field: Creating A Legacy of Building Dreams and Community Support with Fieldworx

John Field, the founder of Fieldworx, has a rich history that intertwines his passion for construction with a deep desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. His journey began with “Hire A Hubby” in the early 2000s, a venture that stemmed from his love for building homes, while teaching before 2000. The transition from education to entrepreneurship was driven by a practical mindset and a genuine desire to assist others.

John Field

The initial focus on Hire A Hubby allowed John to leverage his skills and passion for woodworking. With a well-equipped workshop and a knack for crafting recycled Rimu furniture, John’s business flourished. The team expanded with the addition of his son-in-law, a qualified joiner and Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP). After years under the Hire A Hubby franchise, John decided to break free and establish Fieldworx, a move that allowed him to exercise greater independence and flexibility.

Fieldworx specializes in renovations and alterations, offering a comprehensive service package that includes plumbing, electrical work, gib stopping, painting, tiling, and flooring. The business’s tagline, “We love doing your homework,” reflects their commitment to providing solutions for clients’ needs.

The target market for Fieldworx encompasses a diverse range, including individuals seeking home additions, exterior projects like decks and fences, property maintenance for both commercial and domestic landlords, and retirees in need of reliable and trustworthy services.

What sets Fieldworx apart is its commitment to communication, organization, and innovation in every project. With a skilled team and a hands-on approach to project management, John ensures that clients’ expectations are not only met but exceeded.

Beyond business, John is deeply involved in social giving, supporting local community initiatives, churches, and special needs groups. His commitment to charity extends to various causes on platforms like Givealittle.

In conclusion, Fieldworx is more than a construction business; it’s a testament to John Field’s dedication to craftsmanship, community, and compassion. The legacy he’s building extends beyond bricks and mortar, reaching into the hearts and homes of those he serves and supports.

Contact Fieldworx

+64 21 801 555

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram States The Importance of Liming Your Land

In the heart of New Zealand’s scenic Hill Country, where lush pastures meet rolling landscapes, lies a crucial yet often overlooked factor in farm management—liming. Dr. Gordon Rajendram, a prominent Hamilton-based Soil Scientist, emphasises the pivotal role of lime application in transforming agricultural outcomes. This article explores the multifaceted benefits of liming, drawing on Dr. Rajendram’s expertise and insights garnered over years of scientific research.

Increased Pasture Production

The primary objective of lime application in agriculture is to boost pasture production. By elevating soil pH, lime catalyses a cascade of effects on major and trace elements, including nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, boron, zinc, and aluminium. Dr. Rajendram notes that lime has a ‘phosphate sparing effect’ under specific conditions, enhancing the availability of essential nutrients. Furthermore, liming improves soil physical structure and moisture retention. The positive impact extends to soil fauna, particularly earthworms and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, working synergistically to significantly increase pasture production.

Scientific Trials Proving the Power of Lime

Over the last six decades, extensive scientific research, including trials by M.A.F., D.S.I.R., and universities such as Massey and Lincoln, has underscored the profound impact of lime on pasture production. Trials in Northland, such as the Kamo, Waiotira-Gunson, and Lovegrove trials, revealed substantial increases in production ranging from 15% to an impressive 31% through liming. These trials, conducted on diverse pasture types, showcase lime’s versatility in enhancing productivity across varied farming conditions.

The trials in Northland have enabled the prediction of pasture responses based on initial soil pH and lime application quantity. Dr. Rajendram emphasises the importance of reaching an optimum pH level (6.0-6.2) promptly for enhanced pasture responses. Figures derived from the Lovegrove trials provide a visual representation of pasture responses across a pH range, offering farmers insights into expected outcomes based on their specific conditions.

Improving Soil Moisture and Structure

Liming, as Dr. Rajendram explains, plays a crucial role in increasing soil moisture levels, particularly after rainfall in March-April. The Whatawhata Hill Research Centre showcased a tripling of herbage yield within two years through lime application, emphasising the significant impact on soil moisture content. Farmers have long acknowledged the positive influence of lime on heavy soils, as it reduces stickiness, lightens cultivation, and facilitates the breakdown of clods. Dr. Rajendram attributes these improvements to increased bacterial activity, promoting organic matter decomposition and soil crumb formation, with a notable indirect benefit being the substantial increase in earthworm numbers and activity.

Earthworm Activity and Beneficial Effects

Casting earthworms, vital for soil health, respond favourably to liming as it supplies essential calcium, leading to increased earthworm production and activity. Trials indicate significant increases in earthworm numbers, with the potential to double or even triple infiltration rates of rainwater. Earthworms, integral to nutrient recycling and improved soil structure, contribute to a 72% increase in spring pasture production. Their activities enhance water infiltration, reduce runoff, erosion, and flooding, and increase nutrient availability in the soil. Liming emerges as a catalyst for the proliferation of beneficial earthworm species.

Financial Challenge

While the benefits of liming are unequivocal, Dr. Rajendram acknowledges the challenges faced by New Zealand farmers. Many Hill Country farms grapple with alarmingly low soil pH levels, impacting pasture production and clover growth. The cost of lime application, especially through aerial methods, poses a financial barrier. Dr. Rajendram urges farmers to adopt a long-term plan, combining lime and fertiliser application within budget constraints.

Soil and Pasture Testing

The solution, Dr. Rajendram asserts, lies in comprehensive soil and pasture testing. Understanding the specific mineral needs of the soil enables informed decision-making, ensuring optimal lime and fertilizer application. Expert advice, aligned with a strategic plan, becomes paramount in addressing soil acidity and fostering sustainable farming practices.

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

Agraforum NZ from Ashburton Are Set to Make Waves as First-Time Exhibitors at Waimumu Southern Field Days

It’s been a long-awaited moment for exhibitors and enthusiasts alike as the Southern Field Days site in Waimumu gears up for a spectacular event after a four-year hiatus. With anticipation building, Agraforum NZ is ready to make its mark as a first-time exhibitor at one of Southland’s biggest gatherings.

Southern Field Days President Steve Henderson expressed his excitement, stating, “Everything’s going bloody good, the committee’s working away getting things done, and we’re looking forward to a great event for exhibitors and the public.” After the cancellation in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s event is nearly sold out, with a waiting list for exhibitors and an estimated 700 expected to participate.

In a climate where economic recovery is a top priority, the Southern Field Days offer a valuable platform for businesses and farmers. The public can conveniently navigate the event using an app to locate specific exhibitors. Additionally, Spark and OneNZ are installing temporary cell towers to enhance internet access, ensuring a seamless experience for attendees.

While acknowledging the challenges faced by farmers in recent years, Henderson remains optimistic about the event’s impact. “Farmers will definitely be looking for deals, and it will be a good chance for them to get off the farm and catch up with people and have a yarn.”

Gore Mayor Ben Bell, attending the Southern Field Days for the first time, anticipates substantial economic benefits for eastern Southland. With approximately 700 exhibitors, the event is poised to bring in a significant boost, comparable to the annual Tussock Country event, contributing around $2 million to the local economy.

Visitors to the Southern Field Days are invited to explore Agraforum’s exhibit and engage with experts to learn how their innovative products have redefined farming outcomes in New Zealand and beyond. As a first-time exhibitor, Agraforum brings not only revolutionary products but also a legacy of agricultural excellence that has shaped farming practices worldwide.

For those eager to witness the future of farming, Agraforum’s debut at the Southern Field Days promises to be a must-attend showcase of cutting-edge technology and insights shaping the agricultural landscape.

Check out Agraforums updated website to learn more about what they can bring to the table.

Southern Field Days

Contact Agraforum

Mobile: 0274 485 159

Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724

Restoring Soil Health in New Zealand’s Afforested Landscapes: Challenges and Opportunities by Hamilton-based leading soil scientist Dr. Gordon Rajendram

New Zealand, renowned for its stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems, is on a journey to restore the health of its afforested landscapes. Afforestation, the process of establishing forests on previously unforested land, has been a critical strategy for combating climate change and protecting the environment. However, the long-term health of these newly established forests relies on restoring and maintaining soil health. Here, we delve into the challenges and opportunities of revitalising soil health in New Zealand’s afforested landscapes, as viewed by Soil scientist Gordon Rajendram.


Soil Erosion: During afforestation, the removal of existing vegetation can lead to soil erosion. Exposed soil is vulnerable to the elements, particularly in areas with heavy rainfall, causing erosion that threatens the stability of the newly planted forests.

Soil Compaction: The use of heavy machinery during afforestation can compact the soil, reducing its porosity and water infiltration capacity. Compacted soils are less productive and more susceptible to erosion.

Nutrient Depletion: Growing trees require essential nutrients, and afforestation can deplete the soil of these nutrients over time. The soil’s ability to support plant growth diminishes, affecting the long-term health of the forest.


Reforestation Techniques: New Zealand can employ reforestation techniques that reduce soil disturbance, such as no-till farming or aerial seeding. These methods help maintain soil structure and reduce the risk of erosion.

Native Planting: Choosing native plant species for afforestation can enhance soil health. Native plants are adapted to local conditions, reducing the need for excessive fertilization and pest control, and they can help rebuild soil microbial communities.

Agroforestry: Combining forestry with agriculture through agroforestry practices provides opportunities for diversifying land use and enhancing soil health. Agroforestry integrates trees or shrubs with traditional agricultural crops, improving overall soil stability and nutrient cycling.

Soil Amendments: Adding organic matter, such as compost or cover crops, can rejuvenate depleted soils and promote microbial activity. This improves nutrient cycling and increases the soil’s ability to retain moisture.

Conservation Efforts: Initiatives to preserve indigenous forests can reduce the need for afforestation on pristine land, preserving vital ecosystems while directing reforestation efforts toward areas that need restoration.

Collaboration: Collaboration among government agencies, environmental organizations, and local communities is essential for the success of soil restoration efforts by Soil scientist Gordon Rajendram. These partnerships can pool resources, share knowledge, and implement best practices.

Restoring soil health in New Zealand’s afforested landscapes is a complex yet critical endeavour. By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented, New Zealand can continue to be a global leader in sustainable forestry and environmental conservation, ensuring that afforested landscapes are not only a climate change solution but also thriving ecosystems for generations to come.

Contact Dr. Gordon Rajendram

021 466077

Contact Phillip Quay

Phone: 0274 587 724




Ashburton-based Agraforum: Unveiling Agricultural Excellence For the First Time at the Waimumu, Gore, Southern Field Days – One of NZs Largest Agricultural Events

In an exciting development for agricultural enthusiasts, Agraforum makes its debut as a first-time exhibitor at the Waimumu, Gore, Southern Field Days on the 14th to the 16th of February 2024, bringing forth a wealth of innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology to the heart of the farming community. The Southern Field Days, renowned for showcasing the latest advancements in agriculture, is the perfect platform for Agraforum to introduce its products to the wider community.

Allan Piercy

With a rich history spanning over 25 years, Agraforum’s story began with the discovery of ComCat® in Germany—an extraordinary plant extract with transformative potential for the agricultural industry. In New Zealand, Agraforum’s journey took root through the vision of Allan Piercy, a rural vet driven by the belief that livestock health and reproductive rates were intricately linked to feed quality and soil structure. Agraforum’s product range, designed for dairy farms, crop farms, and orchards, goes beyond conventional offerings, delivering results that exceed expectations. The comprehensive suite of products addresses the entire spectrum, from soil enhancement to plant fortification. Farmers worldwide trust Agraforum’s solutions to enhance soil structure, decrease reliance on fertilisers and irrigation, strengthen plants and crops, and ultimately, yield higher-quality feed.

At the Southern Field Days, Agraforum invites visitors to witness the culmination of years of dedication and innovation. As a first-time exhibitor, the company is set to showcase its groundbreaking products and services. Engage with Agraforum experts at the event to learn how their solutions have redefined farming outcomes in New Zealand.

Explore the forefront of rural innovation, machinery, and global concepts displayed over three days at the Southern Field Days. With a growing attendance trend, major players in the rural sector will be showcasing their latest products and ideas. Whether you’re directly involved in farming or have any connection to the agricultural landscape, mark this event in your calendar—it’s a must-attend showcase of cutting-edge technology and insights shaping the future of farming.

As Agraforum joins the Southern Field Days, they bring not just a range of revolutionary products but a legacy of agricultural excellence that has shaped farming practices worldwide. Visit their exhibit to experience first-hand the future of farming.

Check out Agraforums updated website to learn more about what they can bring to the table.

Southern Field Days

Contact Agraforum

Mobile: 0274 485 159

Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724

Navigating Farm Safety in 2024: AgSafe NZ Calls For a Time of Review and Preparedness

Farm safety has always been a paramount concern in the agricultural sector, and as 2024 unfolds, it’s crucial for farmers to take a moment and reassess their safety protocols. Frustration often mounts when accidents or incidents occur, prompting the question: Is it time to review your farm policies? That’s what AgSafe NZ is here for!

One key aspect to consider is compliance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. Encouraging not just yourself but also your neighbours and family members to align with these regulations is a proactive step toward a safer farming environment. Ensuring everyone is on the same page minimises the risk of accidents and fosters a culture of shared responsibility.

Training plays a pivotal role in farm safety. Whether it’s operating machinery, riding motorbikes, quad-bikes, or side-by-sides, having a skilled workforce is essential. Skill assessment reports are valuable tools that can identify areas for improvement and ensure that every team member is adequately trained for the tasks at hand.

Understanding liabilities and responsibilities is equally vital. Farmers and their staff need to comprehend the implications of their actions on each other’s safety. This awareness creates a collaborative effort in maintaining a secure workplace.

Determining the threshold for seeking medical attention is another critical consideration. In the face of a dilemma, where a seemingly minor injury might require a two-week rest period, the traditional approach of soldiering on may no longer be suitable. Recognising when a doctor’s expertise is necessary can prevent minor injuries from escalating into major health issues.

As we embark on a new year, these questions serve as a timely reminder for farmers to re-evaluate their safety measures. AgSafe NZ stands ready to assist with expert guidance and support. Whether you need advice on compliance, training, or understanding your responsibilities, AgSafe NZ can be reached at 027-2872886 or via email at Let’s make 2024 a year of heightened farm safety awareness and proactive measures for a safer agricultural community.

Contact AgSafe NZ


Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724

Off-Road Bliss: Experience The Cardrona Buggy Rides Deliver Unforgettable Adventures

Looking for a thrilling off-road adventure without the hassle of learning how to ride a horse or wrangle with a motorbike? Experience The Cardrona has the perfect solution – the Yamaha Viking 6-seater 4×4 Off-Road buggy. Let the scenic beauty of Cardrona valley unfold before your eyes as you enjoy being driven by one of the friendly guides.

For those seeking a different off-road experience, the Cardrona fleet now includes Polaris Ranger 3-seater side-by-side buggies. Available for both passengers and self-drive enthusiasts (subject to terms and conditions), these buggies offer a unique way to explore the stunning landscapes.

Families with little ones need not worry, as the 3 or 6-seater 4×4 buggies are the perfect choice. Kids under six can join in the fun as passengers, allowing everyone to revel in the breathtaking mountain views. Self-drive options are also available, but be sure to bring a valid driver’s license and credit card details for verification.

The Cardrona Experience offers a diverse range of packages to cater to various preferences. The Mountain Experience, priced at $698 for two persons with an additional $50 per passenger, promises an ultimate alpine adventure. This guided off-road journey takes you from the bottom to the top of the mountain, even into the snow during winter.

For a more family-friendly outing, The River Run Farm Tour at $498 for two persons (with a $50 additional charge per passenger) offers a scenic river experience in the valley floor. Tailored for families with young children or those new to off-road driving, this tour includes farm animals, family photo opportunities, and a creek crossing. Safety remains a priority, with kids’ quad bikes available, as well as passenger or self-drive buggies.

The Cardrona Experience ensures a safe and fun-filled family excursion, creating lasting memories amidst the spectacular Cardrona valley. Contact Kel to arrange your buggy ride and embark on an off-road journey like never before.

Contact Experience The Cardrona

+64 3 443 1228

Contact Phillip Quay
0274 587 724

Discover Waiau Kauri Grove: Coromandel’s Best-Kept Secret 45 Minutes from 1093 Tairua Whitianga Road

The Coromandel Peninsula, celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes, unveils another jewel in its crown – Waiau Kauri Grove. Situated 45 minutes from 1093 Tairua Whitianga Road, this hidden paradise offers a captivating blend of ancient forests, cultural richness, and thrilling escapades, providing a fresh and exciting alternative to the well-known Cathedral Cove and Hot Water Beach.

Nestled in the heart of Coromandel, Waiau Kauri Grove is a sanctuary of colossal Kauri trees, some dating back over a millennium. As you traverse the forest, the towering giants create an awe-inspiring atmosphere akin to a natural cathedral, inviting visitors to connect with nature in a profound way.

What sets Waiau Kauri Grove apart is the fusion of ecological wonders and exciting activities. Guided tours offer insights into the intricate ecosystems and Māori legends that define the grove’s cultural significance. The knowledgeable guides share stories of the Kauri trees, adding a cultural layer to the immersive experience.

For the adventurous at heart, Waiau Kauri Grove introduces thrilling canopy walks and ziplining experiences. High above the forest floor, these activities provide a unique perspective of the Kauri giants and the diverse flora and fauna. It’s an exhilarating way to blend nature exploration with an adrenaline rush.

Adding to the allure, the grove hosts night tours, transforming the experience as the sun sets. Bioluminescent fungi and the nocturnal sounds of the forest create an enchanting ambience, turning the visit into an unforgettable, otherworldly adventure.

What makes Waiau Kauri Grove even more accessible, and appealing is its proximity to 1093 Tairua Whitianga Road. This convenient location allows visitors to easily include this hidden gem in their Coromandel itinerary, promising a day filled with wonder and excitement away from the more crowded tourist spots.

In essence, Waiau Kauri Grove near 1093 Tairua Whitianga Road is an exhilarating escape into Coromandel’s natural wonders. With its ancient Kauri trees, cultural richness, and thrilling activities, this hidden gem invites you to explore, discover, and be captivated by the secrets of the forest, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and unforgettable experience.

Find out more about 1093 Tairua Whitianga Road below:

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

Intimate Bliss at Auckland, Bethells Beach Cottages, Natural Luxury for Humans Being: Tailored Weddings for Small Groups

By Fiona Stephen

Bethells Beach Cottages – natural luxury for humans being.

Nestled along the pristine Tasman Sea and the iron sands of Bethells Beach, Bethells Beach Cottages offer an intimate and picturesque venue for couples seeking a unique wedding experience with a smaller group of special guests—2 to 29 people, including the happy couple. This exclusive setting is perfectly suited to your style and wishes, creating a personalised and unforgettable day for your nearest and dearest. The venue is available daily, except for New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Christmas Day.

Cost Considerations

The beauty of your wedding at Bethells Beach Cottages lies in its flexibility. The cost is tailored to your specific desires for the special event. To provide you with an accurate estimate, the dedicated team encourages you to share as much information as possible via email. This allows them to guide you seamlessly through the planning process, ensuring your vision becomes a reality.


Booking in advance is advised to secure your preferred date and avoid disappointment. The inclusive features for your intimate wedding include a cottage overlooking the Tasman Sea or, based on availability, the Pavilion. A 3-hour venue hire spans preparation, event duration, and post-event arrangements. To enhance the romantic ambience, rose heads, rose petals, or shells are provided for the aisle or to form a heart shape. The venue offers sublime photographic opportunities for you and your chosen photographer, ensuring timeless memories. All-weather parking, along with planning and support services, are also part of the inclusive package.

Optional extras for your special day

Bethells Beach Cottages offers curated extras to elevate your intimate celebration. Enlist Trude Bethell as your celebrant, savour celebratory refreshments, and enjoy a private dinner under the stars. Capture moments with professional photographers, explore unique transport options such as a limousine or a helicopter, and add finishing touches like bespoke cakes and floral arrangements.

Enhance relaxation with massages, or a portable hot tub. Ensure availability by booking these extras in advance. The team at Bethells Beach Cottages is dedicated to making your intimate wedding uniquely unforgettable.

To give is to love and to love is to live – Trude Bethell

Contact Bethells Beach Cottages

+64 9 810 9581

Happiness and success always
Trude Bethell

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

The Importance of a Comprehensive Insurance Cover Review from Waikato-based Wayne Cooney, your Go-to Insurance Broker

In the fast-paced world of insurance, Wayne Cooney at Wise Cover Insurance emphasises the importance of regularly reviewing your current insurance coverage. Cooney, as your dedicated go-to adviser, offers a personalised service with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to finding the best coverage for your unique needs.

Cooney encourages individuals to consider the following reasons for obtaining a review of their insurance coverage:

1. Fresh Perspective:

Wayne Cooney suggests, “Why not get a fresh set of eyes across your current cover from me?” It’s easy to become complacent with existing insurance arrangements. Cooney advocates for a periodic assessment to ensure that your coverage aligns with your evolving circumstances and needs.

2. Extensive Network of Insurers:

As your go-to advisor, Cooney boasts a wide range of insurers he can consult for terms. “Let’s get the best of these to you in a FREE comparison quote,” he affirms. By tapping into his extensive network, Cooney aims to secure the most competitive and comprehensive coverage for his clients.

3. Timely Renewal Window:

Cooney highlights the significance of timing, stating, “If your current cover is coming up for renewal in the next 2 months, this is the perfect window for me to climb into a quote for you!” Proactively seeking a quote during this period can lead to potential cost savings and optimised coverage.

4. Changing Circumstances:

For those experiencing changes in their circumstances, Cooney advises, “Now is the time to approach your go-to advisor.” Whether it’s a new job, a growing family, changes in your commercial business circumstances or other life events, adapting your insurance coverage accordingly is crucial.

5. Financial Prudence:

In the face of tougher times, Cooney underscores the importance of potential savings. “Any potential savings made would be a great bonus, while bearing in mind, cheaper is not always better!” he cautions. Cooney prioritises finding value rather than compromising on the quality of coverage.

6. Personalised Service:

Wayne Cooney distinguishes Wise Cover Insurance by offering a no-call centre – one-on-one personalised service. As your go-to advisor, he ensures a tailored approach to address your specific insurance needs, providing a level of service unmatched by call centres.

In conclusion, Wayne Cooney at Wise Cover Insurance advocates for a proactive approach to insurance management, emphasising the benefits of a personalised review to ensure optimal coverage in an ever-changing landscape.

There can be many reasons as to why you should get a review, it may save you time and money whilst making sure any new developments in your workplace are covered. Give Wayne Cooney your go-to insurance broker a call for a free quote or review today!

Contact Wayne Cooney

021 347 640

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

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