NZ Business Connect introduces Mark from Pukeko Property Managers: Bespoke Property Management and Development Solutions

We are excited to welcome Mark from Pukeko Property Managers as the latest member of NZ Business Connect’s network. With over 14 years of experience in the industry, Pukeko Property Managers, founded by David Pearse, is a leader in professional and bespoke property management services across New Zealand. Mark has recently taken over the Tauranga franchise, bringing a wealth of expertise to existing property owners, new investors, and Iwi/Hapu.

Pukeko Property Managers offers a unique owner-operated service. Mark personally manages each property, ensuring high accountability and a personalised touch. This structure of limited properties per franchise allows Mark to offer clients dedicated attention and a professional, tailored experience.

Mark’s extensive background in building materials and construction equips him with valuable knowledge for property owners, especially those looking to buy, build, or maintain residential housing. His project management skills add another layer of value for investors interested in property development.

Honesty and integrity are at the core of Mark’s approach, as he understands the significance of managing people’s homes and investments, ensuring that both owners and tenants feel secure and well-cared for. As a member of the Residential Property Managers Association (RPMA), Mark is committed to professionalism and ongoing development, staying up to date with industry standards to deliver the best service possible.

With support from founder David Pearse, the first franchisee Vicky Harris, and the Pukeko Advisory Council, Mark is well-positioned to offer expert property management services, delivering peace of mind and long-term results for clients across Tauranga.

Whether you’re looking for property management, to buy or build, or to explore investment opportunities, Mark from Pukeko Property Managers offers professionalism and bespoke service, making him the ideal partner for managing your assets.

Contact Mark from Pukeko Rental Managers  

022 355 6510

Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

Agraforum New Zealand: Tackling Soil Compaction for Dairy Farmers with Proven Solutions

A single pugging event can cause severe compaction of the soil.

Canterbury, New Zealand — Soil compaction has long been a significant issue for farmers, especially following severe pugging events and intensive cropping practices that compress the soil and reduce productivity. Agraforum New Zealand, a leader in soil health innovation, has developed solutions to help farmers tackle this ongoing challenge. Compacted soils suffer from reduced hydraulic conductivity, poor air permeability, and increased resistance to root growth, all of which impair crop and pasture performance and reduce plant resilience.

Research highlights the impact of pugging on pasture yields: “On a Te Kowhai soil at the DairyNZ No. 2, Ruakura Research Centre dairy farm near Hamilton, a single severe pugging event by dairy cows reduced ryegrass DM yield by 37% and clover DM yield by 52% over the following 12 months” (Menneer et al., 2005). Similarly, intensive cropping can lead to soil compaction, with heavy machinery and repeated cultivation compacting the soil, restricting root development, and reducing water infiltration.

Dr Gordon Rajendram, a leading soil scientist, explains that soil compaction from both livestock and cropping practices continues to be a major concern for farm productivity. “Compacted soils limit water infiltration, root growth, and nutrient availability,” he says, pointing out the long-lasting effects that require targeted management.

Agraforum New Zealand compaction and Bio N field trials conducted by Dr. Gordon Rajendram in Canterbury.

In addition to less economical mechanical solutions like aeration, Dr Gordon Rajendram emphasises the importance of chemical interventions. “Introducing calcium-based products is vital for restoring soil structure and improving porosity, allowing roots to penetrate deeper and access essential nutrients,” he notes.

Farmers can also improve soil health by incorporating organic amendments and enhancing biological activity to break up compacted layers. These methods, combined with careful grazing and cropping management, can help restore soil structure, improve water retention, and promote stronger plant growth.

Agraforum New Zealand remains committed to providing sustainable, science-driven solutions to help farmers address soil compaction, ensuring long-term productivity and resilient pastures for future generations.

Contact Agraforum New Zealand

Mobile: 0274 485 159

About Agraforum New Zealand

Agraforum New Zealand has been a trusted partner to the farming community for years, helping farmers reduce the environmental impacts of their operations while boosting productivity. Their approach is in-depth, considering the unique soil conditions of each farm and providing tailored solutions that address both immediate problems, such as compaction, and long-term soil sustainability.

Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724


Crush, J.R., & Thom, E.R. Review: The effects of soil compaction on root penetration, pasture growth and persistence. AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, Private Bag 3123, Hamilton; DairyNZ, Private Bag 3221, Hamilton. Email:

From Recruitment to Retention: AI-Driven HR Insights

UK Correspondent: Peter Minkoff

AI has reached a level of maturity whereby it is changing industries from top to bottom. Amongst these, one of the most visibly and significantly changed is the field of Human Resources. From facilitating recruitment processes to assisting in employee retention, the AI impact is turning out to be an important focus of HR practices. The article below highlights five key points about how AI will affect HR through the changes it will bring in operational modes for businesses, thus enabling them to meet the evolving needs of their workforce.

Automated Recruitment: Saving Time and Resources

Automated recruitment is the most effective use of AI in human resource departments. It is increasingly handling tasks related to filtering out resumes for vacancy matching by AI-powered tools, and even reaching the level of first-round interviewing with chatbots. These technologies help lessen the time recruiters spend on such manual activities and instead free them up for more strategic pursuits. Moreover, AI can grade candidates without biases, which sometimes may emanate from humans during the hiring process, hence making fair hiring decisions. Businesses are consequently reaping benefits such as reduced hiring costs and improved candidate sourcing as these systems become increasingly sophisticated.

Emergence of AI-Focused Job Platforms

With AI technologies diffusing into every industry, new types of jobs are emerging, while the role of platforms focused on careers in AI becomes pivotal to connecting talent with opportunities. These platforms help individuals find AI jobs, offering a streamlined interface for matching AI professionals with companies in need of specialised skills. Many platforms use artificial intelligence algorithms themselves, hence further enhancing the search for a job. They do this by matching people to jobs based on candidates’ resumes and career trajectories, placing them in locations that better fit their experiences and goals. This focus on AI does not help job seekers only but also allows companies to tap into an increasingly larger pool of AI-acumen talent, hence ensuring that they remain competitive in a fast-developing market.

Performance Management Through AI

AI has started to change the performance management landscape with immediate feedback and continuous monitoring. Rather than relying on annual or biannual performance reviews, an AI system can continuously analyse an employee’s productivity, collaboration efforts, and overall contribution. Thus, it gives birth to a more dynamic and transparent performance management system whereby employees can get actionable insights and areas for improvement in real time. Moreover, AI tools can point out various patterns that might have been overlooked by traditional management methods, such as recognising high performers who may be well-deserving of recognition or specifying the exact area where additional training or resources might be required for any team.

AI-Driven Employee Retention and Satisfaction

The retention of employees has always been one of the major concerns of the HR departments, and now AI is playing a significant role in helping sort it out. By analysing massive amounts of data, AI can identify specific patterns and trends contributing to employee turnover. Predictive analytics can then alert an HR team in advance about the potential risks, so they can take action before an employee has decided to leave. AI can be used to personalise employee engagement for the workers, ensuring that their needs are taken care of and that they receive all they require to stay satisfied and productive. This sort of personalised approach seems to pay off, providing a means of morale improvement and long-term loyalty.

Ethical Considerations and AI in HR

Ethical considerations are assuming greater importance as AI takes over big HR functions. One is ensuring that AI systems do not perpetuate biases, especially in recruitment and performance evaluations. Whereas AI can eliminate some human biases, algorithms are only as good as the data on which they were trained. If that data contains inherent biases, then the AI could reproduce them and even amplify them. HR teams must ensure they use transparent, fair AI tools that have been tested to the full. Finally, the most crucial factor is data privacy issues since AI systems handle sensitive employee data. It is required that the companies focus on data security and compliance with privacy regulations to ensure that employees’ personal information is secure.

In conclusion, artificial Intelligence is completely transforming human resources. With companies having to constantly change and mould to the shifting landscape, one thing is certain: AI will be one of the key building blocks in how HR evolves in the future.

Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

CEO Peter Nation to step aside after nearly 30 years involvement with the New Zealand National Fieldays Society

Peter Nation has announced he is stepping down from the helm of the New Zealand National Fieldays Society, owner and operator of the 114 hectares of Mystery Creek Events Centre and the Iconic Fieldays® event, finishing up on the 20th December this year.

“I have made the decision to step aside so I can pursue more personal interests and time with family, I feel that I am leaving Society in a very stable position with a bright future ahead” says Nation.

Nation is quick to outline that he has been “in and around Society for nearly 30 years, so the time is right”, first as the major sponsor representative as the ANZ Regional Manager Rural, and the Bank’s sponsor representative, where he supported major capital investments such as the Mystery Creek Pavilion, followed by a variety of roles within the Society before being appointed as CEO in March 2016. 

Whilst 30 years of contributions is significant, Nation states it’s been a privilege and one not without its challenges.  “There is no escaping the weight of running an event business during turbulent pandemic times, but successfully navigating such upheaval will undoubtedly go down as one of my highlights”.

Nation says “Transitioning from governance to a senior management leadership role in the same organisation is not for the faint hearted.  There are not many people who get this unique experience or opportunity to help build something that opens up a massive window across the world for New Zealand agriculture. As CEO I have been given many opportunities both in New Zealand and across the world, attending and speaking at conferences and events, hosting important international delegations, promoting agriculture and food producers while ensuring we grow New Zealand through our many activities in events”.

“I have loved every minute of this high-profile role, which included leading a high performing team, successfully staging the largest event in New Zealand annually, operating the renowned Mystery Creek Events Centre while supporting the community, youth and the many organisations that need our support. A job like this does not get much better”.

He goes on to say “I have been blessed with very sound Board and Chairs leadership. It is so important to have trust and support between the CEO and Board. This success and growth are a direct result of these relationships which include leadership and wider team, including volunteers and members.  Not many people land roles like my current one, and while my career has been full of unique opportunities, this last one will be the one that will be fondly recalled in my memory.”

Society Board Chair, Jenni Vernon states Peter has been instrumental in building enduring and trusted relationships in our community and amongst key stakeholders including local and central government, all critical to the ongoing success of the southern hemisphere’s largest agricultural Fieldays event and the Mystery Creek Events Centre’s social license to operate.  “It has been my pleasure to be Chair in Peter’s tenure as CEO and whilst change can be unsettling, Peter has set a solid foundation for the Society’s next phase having worked tirelessly to bring the organisation into the future, developing sound systems and processes that underpins the Society’s place on the world stage.  Alongside the Society Board and membership, we sincerely thank Peter, supported by his family, for his contributions and stewardship” says Vernon. 

Peter will sign off for the final time at the end of the year following the Society’s Annual Awards and celebration.


About the New Zealand National Fieldays Society

The New Zealand National Fieldays Society was created in 1968 to bring town and country together and to advance agriculture for the benefit of New Zealand through collaborative leadership in innovation, education, and globalisation.

The Society owns Fieldays® and operates the Mystery Creek Events Centre, supports education through grants and scholarships and gives back to the community through its charitable activities.

Steve Fallon – Business Web Solutions

While working as a Sales Manager in Australia, Steve Fallon started Bizweb as a side venture in 2011, which grew into a full scale business. He has since relocated to New Zealand and continues to deliver exceptional results in website design, lead generation, and comprehensive CRM system integration. Bizweb specializes in transforming underperforming websites into highly effective lead generation platforms, enabling businesses to scale efficiently without increasing headcount.

At the core of Steve’s approach is the belief that businesses can leverage online automation to streamline operations and significantly enhance customer engagement. His expertise lies in implementing systems like AI chatbots, marketing automation, and SEO, which collectively drive customer acquisition and retention while empowering teams to focus on higher-value tasks.

Contact Steve Fallon

07 807 9484

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NZ Business Connect introduces Steve from Business Web Solutions: Driving Business Growth with Online Automation and CRM Integration

We’re excited to welcome Steve, the founder of Business Web Solutions (Bizweb), as a new member of NZ Business Connect’s network. With over 18 years of experience in online marketing and sales automation, Steve brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for helping businesses grow through smart digital marketing solutions.

Steve Fallon

While working as a Sales Manager in Australia, Steve started Bizweb as a side venture in 2011, which grew into a full scale business. He has since relocated to New Zealand and continues to deliver exceptional results in website design, lead generation, and comprehensive CRM system integration. Bizweb specializes in transforming underperforming websites into highly effective lead generation platforms, enabling businesses to scale efficiently without increasing headcount.

At the core of Steve’s approach is the belief that businesses can leverage online automation to streamline operations and significantly enhance customer engagement. His expertise lies in implementing systems like AI chatbots, marketing automation, and SEO, which collectively drive customer acquisition and retention while empowering teams to focus on higher-value tasks.

Steve is supported by a highly skilled team. Clyde, a seasoned web developer, is known for his mastery of web technologies and software integrations, ensuring seamless functionality for clients’ online platforms. Karl, a graphic design expert, brings creative excellence to every project, elevating visual branding and user experience. Together, this dedicated team delivers comprehensive digital solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

The successful work of the team at Bizweb is exemplified by projects such as growing an Auckland Tiny Home company by generating over 11,000 qualified leads in just 18 months and driving a shipping container shelter company’s revenue from zero to $750,000 within seven months through online automation and strategic web technologies.

Whether your business is focused on B2B lead generation, B2C sales growth, or optimizing your current CRM system, Steve and his team at Bizweb are equipped to support your success. We are confident Steve will bring tremendous value to our network, and we look forward to the collaborative opportunities ahead.

Contact Bizweb

021 794 868

Contact Media PA
027 458 7724

How MAD Media Keeps Your Brand Fresh: The Power of Regularly Changing Ads

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where consumers are constantly bombarded with information, capturing and maintaining public interest is a challenging task for businesses. MAD Media recognises that one of the most effective strategies for ensuring a brand remains at the forefront of consumers’ minds is by regularly changing advertisements.

Ad fatigue occurs when consumers are exposed to the same ad repeatedly, leading to indifference or even annoyance. This is especially prevalent in the digital space, where audiences may encounter the same ad multiple times a day. Without regular updates, even the most creative campaigns can lose their impact. MAD Media counters this by advising clients to frequently refresh their ad content, ensuring their messaging remains effective.

Beyond preventing ad fatigue, regularly updated ads allow brands to showcase different facets of their story. Each new ad provides an opportunity to introduce new products, highlight seasonal events, or tap into cultural trends. MAD Media assists brands in crafting
content that resonates with diverse audience segments, helping them stay top-of-mind and relevant.

 Changing ads also enables brands to be more agile. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new platforms, technologies, and trends emerging rapidly. MAD Media helps brands adapt their advertising strategies to reflect th se changes, ensuring they remain relevant and compelling.

Additionally, regularly updating ads offers valuable insights. Each new campaign allows for testing different approaches, helping brands understand what resonates most with their audience. MAD Media uses this data-driven approach to optimise marketing efforts, enhancing the effectiveness of each campaign and informing long-term strategies.

Regularly changing ads is crucial for maintaining public interest. MAD Media helps brands navigate the complexities of the digital landscape by crafting fresh, engaging advertisements that prevent ad fatigue, enhance brand storytelling, and ensure agility, keeping brands at the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Contact MAD Media

P: 0800 2 GO MAD

Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

Join the Conversation: Share Your Experience with Pacific Resort Hotel Group

At Pacific Resort Hotel Group, every guest’s experience is at the heart of everything we do. From the pristine beaches of Aitutaki to the serene elegance of vibrant yet relaxing resorts and villas, we are committed to crafting unforgettable moments. Now, guests are invited to share those moments with the world through Pacific Resort Hotel Group’s social media channels.

Our guests are the group’s greatest ambassadors, and their stories add to the rich tapestry of experiences at each resort. Whether it’s enjoying a cocktail at Pacific Resort Aitutaki, indulging in a romantic sunset dinner at Little Polynesian, relaxing on a lounger overlooking Muri lagoon at Pacific Resort Rarotonga, or unwinding in a private pool in a villa at Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa, these special moments are what make each stay unique. Pacific Resort Hotel Group invites guests to share their experiences, showcasing the beauty of the Cook Islands through their eyes.

Join the Online Community

Each destination within Pacific Resort Hotel Group features its own Facebook and Instagram accounts, allowing guests to connect directly and immerse themselves in the unique charm of their chosen resort. By following these accounts, guests can stay connected with a vibrant online community, see the latest news, enjoy stunning imagery, and keep up with updates specific to each property. More importantly, these platforms offer a space for guests to share their stories.

We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us and share your story to inspire others and celebrate the beauty of the Cook Islands through your unique experiences.


@pacificresort (Pacific Resort Hotel Group)

@pacificrarotonga (Pacific Resort Rarotonga)

@pacificaitutaki (Pacific Resort Aitutaki)

@littlepolynesian (Little Polynesian Resort)

@temanava (Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa)


Pacific Resort Rarotonga

Pacific Resort Hotel Group

Pacific Resort Aitutaki

Little Polynesian Resort

Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa


Pacific Resort YouTube Channel

Guest Feedback is Valued

At Pacific Resort Hotel Group, we deeply value guest feedback and encourage reviews.  We believe every guest’s story is a part of the rich and vibrant culture of the Cook Islands. By sharing your experiences, you contribute to a global community of travellers who have discovered the magic of our Pacific Resort properties. Whether you’re reminiscing about a romantic getaway, a family holiday, or a tranquil retreat, your stories help inspire others to explore the unparalleled beauty and hospitality of the Cook Islands.

Pacific Resort Aitutaki Trip Advisor

Pacific Resort Raorotonga Trip Advisor

Te Manava Villas and Spa Trip Advisor

Contact Pacific Resort Hotel Group

Pacific Resort Hotel Group

Contact Media PA
027 458 7724

Kelly Spaans: Leading the Adventure at The Cardrona Horse Treks and 4×4 ATVs

Kelly Spaans is the heart and soul behind The Cardrona Horse Treks and 4×4 ATVs, where she blends her love for horses and outdoor adventures. From her start as a horse trekking guide to running her own business off the beaten track in Cardrona Valley, Kelly’s passion for the land shines through in everything she does.

1. If you could only choose one: horse trekking, quad biking, or riding ATVs, which would it be and why?

Ah that’s easy – Horses hands down! They’re my babies 😉 However we go much higher up the mountain on the quads & off-road buggies, therefore the views are even more impressive, so I often think “how nice it would be to be on a horse up here..” they’re both very cool activities!

2. What inspired you to create your business? And why Cardrona? 

I was already working full time as a horse trekking guide in the local area, so it was a natural progression as I was already very intimately connected with the land on the farm I now run my business on (riding my horse, running, mountain biking & quad biking for fun almost every day). 

3. Do you have a story from your early life that hinted you might end up working with horses and outdoor activities?

My sister & I were very “horse-mad” as young girls, but we lived in the city so we were not allowed a pony of our own. Our parents bought us motorbikes instead, I guess hoping that would stop the pestering for horses & horse riding – the good thing is now I can ride both! Thanks Mum & Dad! 

When I was about 15 my Aunty started up a horse trekking business on their farm in Waitarere Beach & I used to go up & help her out preparing the horses & being her “tail end charlie” on weekends & school holidays, now the tables have turned & she doesn’t have horses anymore, so it’s quite neat to take her out on my treks when she is visiting the area.

4. What are your hobbies outside of your business activities?

I’m a keen runner & mountain biker, I generally love being outdoors & keeping fit so doing what I do for a job suits me down to the ground! In the winter I try to dust my snowboard off & in the summer it’s great to get out with my partner on our Harley Davidsons – if I can manage to ride a horse as well as my snowboard/ Harley in the same day that’s a pretty wicked feeling 😉

5. What is the most unique feedback you have ever had?

There have been many occasions whether verbally or online I have received accolades to the effect of; “This was the honestly best ride I have ever done”, & frequently “This was hands down the highlight of our Queenstown/Wanaka holiday” It is very touching to hear such positive feedback & I love that my clients expectations are often exceeded.

6. If you were to add a completely new, somewhat unconventional activity to Cardrona, what would it be?

Hmmm I’ve ridden Camels & Elephants in other countries… Not sure they would like Cardrona very much though haha

7. How do you hope your work impacts your clients and the community?

As I mentioned above, I hope that my clients expectations are exceeded & that those that were perhaps new to the activity or worried/ nervous can come away with a sense of accomplishment. We have a lovely community here in Cardrona Valley where we all look out for each other & support the local businesses so I feel privileged to be a part of that & make sure my neighbours come & experience what I have to offer.  

8. What legacy do you wish to create through your business?

Cherishing & respect of this special land & its history that we are so privileged to be able to enjoy

9. What are some important lessons you’ve learned about life and business throughout your journey?

Where do I start? I had never owned a business before this one, in fact I had never really properly owned horses of my own! & I continue to learn from them – they are amazing creatures! I say to my new staff as I am training them “learn from my mistakes” as I made many in the early years! It’s a pretty well-oiled machine now though.

10. Did you ever imagine the bra fence would be as popular as it is?

Haha nobody did! As I’m typing this I can see many vehicles parked beside it & people taking photos & making cash donations which I bank for NZBCF, plus I can see emails coming through with donations coming via the QR code to the “Bradrona” fundraising page almost $170,000 so far & counting! I’ve been interviewed by various media sources more times than I can remember now & pleased to be able to assist with supporting such a worthy cause.

Kelly has turned her love for adventure into more than just a business—she’s built a community and created lasting memories in Cardrona Valley. Through exciting experiences and a genuine love for the outdoors, she continues to inspire and impress everyone who comes her way.

Contact The Cardrona Horse Riding & 4×4 ATVs

+64 3 443 1228

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

New Player Marnco Has Increased Competition And Reduction In Prices In New Zealand’s Fertiliser Market And Viewed Positively By Leading Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram

The recent entry of Marnco into the New Zealand fertiliser market has been viewed as a positive development by one of New Zealand’s leading soil scientists, Hamilton-based Dr Gordon Rajendram.

“Since Marnco entered the market around Easter, we’ve seen a significant drop in fertiliser prices, which is great news for farmers,” says Rajendram.

He said that prior to COVID-19, the price of urea was approximately $530 per tonne, with super phosphate priced at $345 per tonne.

However, recent months have seen substantial price reductions, with potassium chloride (KCI) dropping from $1,100 per tonne in December 2023 to $795, thanks to Marnco’s competitive pricing according to Rajendram.

“Marnco’s entry into the market has made a tangible difference, offering pure KCI at $775 per tonne, and reducing the price of sulphur phosphate from $525 to $370 per tonne,” Dr Rajendram commented

“This is exactly the kind of competition we need to support our farming communities and ensure New Zealand agriculture remains competitive on the world stage.”

Dr Gordon Rajendram, a leading expert in New Zealand’s agricultural sector, has called for increased competition in the country’s fertiliser market, citing it as essential for reducing costs and driving innovation.

According to Dr Rajendram, the lack of competition in New Zealand has kept fertiliser prices unnecessarily high, significantly impacting farmers’ production costs.

“Fertiliser is one of the biggest expenses on a farm. Higher fertiliser costs translate directly to higher production costs, whether it’s converting pastures and crops into milk or meat,” he explains. “For New Zealand agriculture to remain competitive on the global market, addressing this issue is crucial.”

Dr Rajendram highlights the financial strain particularly felt in the sheep and beef farming sectors. He notes that many farmers, especially those in the sheep sector, are cutting back on fertiliser use or withholding it altogether due to the low lamb schedule. “There’s a lot of hurt out there,” he says.

When comparing New Zealand to other farming nations, Dr Rajendram points out that many countries have a greater variety of fertiliser companies to choose from, which helps keep prices lower. “In South Africa, for example, urea sells for around $590 per tonne, and in Asia, it ranges from $550 to $600 per tonne. Meanwhile, in New Zealand, we’re paying almost $200 more per tonne, despite urea being produced locally.”

The absence of competition also stifles innovation, according to Dr Rajendram. “Without competition, there’s no incentive to create better products. Companies can continue selling the same old products without any need to improve because they control the market.”

Dr Gordon Rajendram

Click here to listen to the radio interview.

For more information, please contact:

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077

About Dr Gordon Rajendram 

Dr Gordon Rajendram is a respected figure in New Zealand’s agricultural industry, with extensive experience in soil science and sustainable farming practices. He is an advocate for innovation and competitiveness in the sector, particularly in the fertiliser market.

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