Annie Lawler’s entrepreneurial journey began with a love for film, initially a hobby where she created short films for fun. When an opportunity arose to start her own business, Annie seamlessly transitioned her passion for film into a thriving enterprise. Over the years, she has collaborated with a diverse clientele, including business professionals, musicians, and couples getting married, crafting compelling videos that tell unique stories.
Annie’s business focuses on an array of key products and services, ranging from social media posts and videos to comprehensive marketing audits. Her expertise extends to creating marketing materials such as booklets, posters, flyers, and training materials. Notably, she offers a valuable service of developing business training videos, allowing owners to streamline staff training and establish clear health and safety procedures.
In terms of target markets, Annie prioritises working with business owners who are eager to grow and promote their businesses. She thrives on understanding their customer base and the passion driving their enterprises. Her preference leans towards aiding businesses in need of social media guidance, as well as established entities looking to enhance their procedures for health and safety and new staff training.
Three key messages Annie emphasises are her ability to transform words into eye-catching images, her role as an idea factory for innovative social media approaches, and the straightforward access and digitised approval methods that streamline the sign-up process.
Beyond her professional endeavours, Annie’s interests include spending time on Photoshop, creating art, paddleboarding and delving into genealogy. Annie remains actively engaged in her varied pursuits.
Annie Lawler is not only an entrepreneur but also a socially conscious individual. She is familiar with the concept of social giving and supports charities such as Medicin sans Frontier, St Johns, and Save the Children.
Having been part of networking groups like BNI, Annie recognizes the value of community and collaboration in business. Her journey is a testament to the seamless fusion of passion, creativity, and business acumen, creating a unique niche in the world of marketing and video production.
Contact Annie Lawler
027 52 66 275
Contact Phillip Quay
027 458 7724