Kelly Spaans: Leading the Adventure at The Cardrona Horse Treks and 4×4 ATVs

Kelly Spaans is the heart and soul behind The Cardrona Horse Treks and 4×4 ATVs, where she blends her love for horses and outdoor adventures. From her start as a horse trekking guide to running her own business off the beaten track in Cardrona Valley, Kelly’s passion for the land shines through in everything she does.

1. If you could only choose one: horse trekking, quad biking, or riding ATVs, which would it be and why?

Ah that’s easy – Horses hands down! They’re my babies 😉 However we go much higher up the mountain on the quads & off-road buggies, therefore the views are even more impressive, so I often think “how nice it would be to be on a horse up here..” they’re both very cool activities!

2. What inspired you to create your business? And why Cardrona? 

I was already working full time as a horse trekking guide in the local area, so it was a natural progression as I was already very intimately connected with the land on the farm I now run my business on (riding my horse, running, mountain biking & quad biking for fun almost every day). 

3. Do you have a story from your early life that hinted you might end up working with horses and outdoor activities?

My sister & I were very “horse-mad” as young girls, but we lived in the city so we were not allowed a pony of our own. Our parents bought us motorbikes instead, I guess hoping that would stop the pestering for horses & horse riding – the good thing is now I can ride both! Thanks Mum & Dad! 

When I was about 15 my Aunty started up a horse trekking business on their farm in Waitarere Beach & I used to go up & help her out preparing the horses & being her “tail end charlie” on weekends & school holidays, now the tables have turned & she doesn’t have horses anymore, so it’s quite neat to take her out on my treks when she is visiting the area.

4. What are your hobbies outside of your business activities?

I’m a keen runner & mountain biker, I generally love being outdoors & keeping fit so doing what I do for a job suits me down to the ground! In the winter I try to dust my snowboard off & in the summer it’s great to get out with my partner on our Harley Davidsons – if I can manage to ride a horse as well as my snowboard/ Harley in the same day that’s a pretty wicked feeling 😉

5. What is the most unique feedback you have ever had?

There have been many occasions whether verbally or online I have received accolades to the effect of; “This was the honestly best ride I have ever done”, & frequently “This was hands down the highlight of our Queenstown/Wanaka holiday” It is very touching to hear such positive feedback & I love that my clients expectations are often exceeded.

6. If you were to add a completely new, somewhat unconventional activity to Cardrona, what would it be?

Hmmm I’ve ridden Camels & Elephants in other countries… Not sure they would like Cardrona very much though haha

7. How do you hope your work impacts your clients and the community?

As I mentioned above, I hope that my clients expectations are exceeded & that those that were perhaps new to the activity or worried/ nervous can come away with a sense of accomplishment. We have a lovely community here in Cardrona Valley where we all look out for each other & support the local businesses so I feel privileged to be a part of that & make sure my neighbours come & experience what I have to offer.  

8. What legacy do you wish to create through your business?

Cherishing & respect of this special land & its history that we are so privileged to be able to enjoy

9. What are some important lessons you’ve learned about life and business throughout your journey?

Where do I start? I had never owned a business before this one, in fact I had never really properly owned horses of my own! & I continue to learn from them – they are amazing creatures! I say to my new staff as I am training them “learn from my mistakes” as I made many in the early years! It’s a pretty well-oiled machine now though.

10. Did you ever imagine the bra fence would be as popular as it is?

Haha nobody did! As I’m typing this I can see many vehicles parked beside it & people taking photos & making cash donations which I bank for NZBCF, plus I can see emails coming through with donations coming via the QR code to the “Bradrona” fundraising page almost $170,000 so far & counting! I’ve been interviewed by various media sources more times than I can remember now & pleased to be able to assist with supporting such a worthy cause.

Kelly has turned her love for adventure into more than just a business—she’s built a community and created lasting memories in Cardrona Valley. Through exciting experiences and a genuine love for the outdoors, she continues to inspire and impress everyone who comes her way.

Contact The Cardrona Horse Riding & 4×4 ATVs

+64 3 443 1228

Contact Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

New Player Marnco Has Increased Competition And Reduction In Prices In New Zealand’s Fertiliser Market And Viewed Positively By Leading Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram

The recent entry of Marnco into the New Zealand fertiliser market has been viewed as a positive development by one of New Zealand’s leading soil scientists, Hamilton-based Dr Gordon Rajendram.

“Since Marnco entered the market around Easter, we’ve seen a significant drop in fertiliser prices, which is great news for farmers,” says Rajendram.

He said that prior to COVID-19, the price of urea was approximately $530 per tonne, with super phosphate priced at $345 per tonne.

However, recent months have seen substantial price reductions, with potassium chloride (KCI) dropping from $1,100 per tonne in December 2023 to $795, thanks to Marnco’s competitive pricing according to Rajendram.

“Marnco’s entry into the market has made a tangible difference, offering pure KCI at $775 per tonne, and reducing the price of sulphur phosphate from $525 to $370 per tonne,” Dr Rajendram commented

“This is exactly the kind of competition we need to support our farming communities and ensure New Zealand agriculture remains competitive on the world stage.”

Dr Gordon Rajendram, a leading expert in New Zealand’s agricultural sector, has called for increased competition in the country’s fertiliser market, citing it as essential for reducing costs and driving innovation.

According to Dr Rajendram, the lack of competition in New Zealand has kept fertiliser prices unnecessarily high, significantly impacting farmers’ production costs.

“Fertiliser is one of the biggest expenses on a farm. Higher fertiliser costs translate directly to higher production costs, whether it’s converting pastures and crops into milk or meat,” he explains. “For New Zealand agriculture to remain competitive on the global market, addressing this issue is crucial.”

Dr Rajendram highlights the financial strain particularly felt in the sheep and beef farming sectors. He notes that many farmers, especially those in the sheep sector, are cutting back on fertiliser use or withholding it altogether due to the low lamb schedule. “There’s a lot of hurt out there,” he says.

When comparing New Zealand to other farming nations, Dr Rajendram points out that many countries have a greater variety of fertiliser companies to choose from, which helps keep prices lower. “In South Africa, for example, urea sells for around $590 per tonne, and in Asia, it ranges from $550 to $600 per tonne. Meanwhile, in New Zealand, we’re paying almost $200 more per tonne, despite urea being produced locally.”

The absence of competition also stifles innovation, according to Dr Rajendram. “Without competition, there’s no incentive to create better products. Companies can continue selling the same old products without any need to improve because they control the market.”

Dr Gordon Rajendram

Click here to listen to the radio interview.

For more information, please contact:

Contact Dr Gordon Rajendram

021 466077

About Dr Gordon Rajendram 

Dr Gordon Rajendram is a respected figure in New Zealand’s agricultural industry, with extensive experience in soil science and sustainable farming practices. He is an advocate for innovation and competitiveness in the sector, particularly in the fertiliser market.

Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

Ensuring Safety in Automated Warehouse Picking Systems

UK Correspondent: Peter Minkoff

As warehouses and distribution centers evolve with the integration of advanced technologies, the shift towards automation in picking operations has become more prevalent. Automated picking systems offer significant advantages, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. However, with the rise of automation, safety becomes a critical concern. Ensuring that these systems operate safely is paramount to protecting workers, equipment, and inventory.

The Importance of Safety in Automated Picking

Automated picking systems in warehouses typically involve robots, conveyors, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and other machinery working alongside or independent of human workers. These systems are designed to move at high speeds and handle various tasks that would otherwise require human labor. While automation reduces the risk of human error and physical strain, it introduces new safety challenges.

The consequences of a safety lapse in an automated environment can be severe, leading to injuries, equipment damage, or even fatalities. Therefore, implementing robust safety control measures is not just a regulatory requirement but also a moral and operational imperative. Ensuring safety in automated picking systems helps maintain a productive work environment, prevents costly disruptions, and upholds the integrity of the warehouse’s operations.

Key Components of Safety Control in Automated Picking

1. Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis

Before implementing any automated picking system, a comprehensive risk assessment and hazard analysis are crucial. This process involves identifying potential hazards that could arise from the interaction between machines, workers, and the environment. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Collision Risks: Identifying potential collision points between robots and workers, especially in shared workspaces.
  • Mechanical Hazards: Assessing the risk of injury from moving parts, such as conveyor belts, robotic arms, or AGVs.
  • Environmental Hazards: Evaluating the impact of environmental factors like lighting, temperature, and noise on both automated systems and human operators.

By thoroughly analyzing these risks, warehouse managers can develop targeted safety measures that mitigate identified hazards.

2. Safety Design and Engineering Controls

Safety should be an integral part of the design and engineering of automated picking systems. This includes incorporating safety features into the machinery and layout of the warehouse. Key engineering controls include:

  • Physical Barriers and Guarding: Installing barriers, such as fences, gates, and safety cages, around automated machinery to prevent unauthorized access and protect workers from accidental contact.
  • Safety Sensors and Emergency Stops: Equipping robots and automated systems with safety sensors, such as laser scanners, cameras, and pressure mats, to detect the presence of workers and obstacles. Emergency stop buttons should be strategically placed to allow for the immediate shutdown of machinery in case of an emergency.
  • Fail-Safe Mechanisms: Designing systems with fail-safe mechanisms that automatically shut down or revert to a safe state in the event of a malfunction or power failure.
  • Automated Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs): Advanced systems like the Modula NEXT VLM, which optimize space and picking efficiency, also contribute to safety by minimizing the need for workers to interact with high-speed machinery. The Modula NEXT VLM features built-in safety mechanisms such as light curtains and secure access points, ensuring that the picking process remains safe while enhancing operational efficiency.

These engineering controls help create a safer working environment by minimizing the likelihood of accidents and ensuring that machinery operates within safe parameters.

3. Operational Procedures and Safety Protocols

Beyond the physical design, operational procedures and safety protocols are essential to maintaining safety in an automated warehouse. These procedures should be clearly defined, regularly updated, and strictly enforced. Key aspects include:

  • Training and Education: Providing comprehensive training for workers on the safe operation of automated systems, including how to interact with robots, recognize hazards, and respond to emergencies. Continuous education programs can help workers stay informed about new safety practices and technologies.
  • Access Control: Implementing access control measures to ensure that only trained and authorized personnel can operate or enter areas with automated machinery. This can include badge systems, biometric scanners, or other forms of identification.
  • Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Procedures: Establishing LOTO procedures to ensure that automated systems are properly shut down and secured during maintenance or when not in use. This prevents accidental start-ups that could endanger workers.

Clear communication of these protocols and regular safety drills help reinforce the importance of safety and ensure that all workers are prepared to act appropriately in different situations.

4. Monitoring and Maintenance

Continuous monitoring and regular maintenance of automated picking systems are vital to ensuring ongoing safety. This includes:

  • Routine Inspections: Conducting regular inspections of automated systems to identify wear and tear, malfunctions, or other issues that could compromise safety. Early detection of problems allows for timely repairs and prevents accidents.
  • Performance Monitoring: Utilizing software and sensors to monitor the performance of automated systems in real-time. Any deviations from normal operation can trigger alerts, prompting immediate investigation and corrective action.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Implementing predictive maintenance strategies that use data analytics and machine learning to predict when equipment is likely to fail. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected breakdowns that could lead to safety hazards.

Effective monitoring and maintenance ensure that automated systems operate reliably and safely, reducing the risk of accidents caused by equipment failure.

5. Collaboration Between Humans and Machines

As automated picking systems often work alongside human workers, fostering a collaborative environment is essential. This involves:

  • Co-bots and Human-Robot Interaction: Utilizing collaborative robots (co-bots) designed to work safely with humans. Co-bots are equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms that allow them to detect and respond to human presence, reducing the risk of collisions and injuries.
  • Human Factors Engineering: Designing systems and workflows that account for human factors, such as ergonomics, cognitive load, and user interface design. This ensures that workers can interact with automated systems safely and efficiently.
  • Clear Communication Channels: Establishing clear communication channels between human workers and automated systems. This can include visual signals, audible alarms, and interface displays that convey important information about system status and safety.

By fostering a collaborative environment, warehouses can leverage the strengths of both humans and machines while maintaining a high level of safety.


Safety control for automated picking in warehouses is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. By conducting thorough risk assessments, incorporating safety into system design, establishing robust operational procedures, and ensuring continuous monitoring and maintenance, warehouses can create a safe and efficient environment for both workers and automated systems. As automation continues to evolve, ongoing commitment to safety will be essential in protecting workers, optimizing operations, and driving the future of the industry.

Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

Pacific Resort Hotel Group Celebrates Major Wins at World Travel Awards 2024

Pacific Resort Hotel Group (PRHG) is thrilled to announce that three of its prestigious properties have once again been recognised with top honours at the World Travel Awards 2024. The group’s unwavering commitment to excellence in hospitality has been celebrated with the following awards:

  • Cook Islands’ Leading Boutique Hotel 2024: Little Polynesian
  • Cook Islands’ Leading Resort 2024: Pacific Resort Aitutaki
  • Cook Islands’ Leading Villa Resort 2024: Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa

“Marcus Niszow, CEO of Pacific Resort Hotel Group, commented: ‘We are honoured to receive these prestigious accolades at the World Travel Awards 2024. This recognition underscores our commitment to delivering outstanding guest experiences and is a testament to the relentless efforts of our team. We are grateful to our staff and loyal guests, whose support has been pivotal in achieving these significant milestones.’”

The World Travel Awards are regarded as the pinnacle of excellence in the travel and tourism industry, making these consistent victories particularly significant. Since 2018, Pacific Resort Aitutaki, Little Polynesian Resort, and Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa have each been recognised as winners in their respective categories year after year. This ongoing recognition sets PRHG apart as leaders in the industry, highlighting their unwavering commitment to delivering the highest standards of luxury and exceptional service.

PRHG look forward to celebrating this success with their community and continuing to set the standard for luxury accommodation in the region.


About Pacific Resort Hotel Group
Pacific Resort Hotel Group (PRHG), is the Cook Islands leading independent collection of luxury and boutique beachfront resorts. PRHG operate boutique resorts and hospitality facilities underpinned by a focus on local culture, the environment, and unique architectural and landscaping design providing discerning guests with an authentic South Pacific experience. PRHG successfully owns and operates four award-winning resorts under the Pacific Resort brand and has partnered with one further Cook Islands property under its Franchise Partner Hotel Program.
About Pacific Resort Aitutaki
Secluded Luxury… The island of Aitutaki, an atoll of lush tropical foliage and white sand beaches ringed by a stunningly beautiful lagoon of turquoise water. This is where you’ll find 5-star luxury resort, Pacific Resort Aitutaki, each morning greeted by a spectacular view of Aitutaki’s world famous lagoon, thanks to the absolute beachfront location of the resort’s 29 spacious and air-conditioned bungalows, villas and suites. The resort welcomes guests 12 and older and provides an intimate and romantic escape where the delights of island life are presented to you in luxurious surroundings; that illustrate exactly why Pacific Resort Aitutaki is a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World.
About Little Polynesian Resort
Inspiring Romance… Little Polynesian is one of the Cook Islands’ most intimate luxury boutique resorts. With just ten beachfront bungalows and four garden studios on a beautiful stretch of white sandy beach, Little Polynesian is committed to providing the ultimate Cook Islands experience through outstanding personalised service that surpasses all expectations.
About Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa
The road less travelled… Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa has been designed just for you. This concept in luxury accommodation gives you the freedom to personalise your own leisure experience. Set on the beautiful white sand beach of Rarotonga’s stunning Muri lagoon, your private villa awaits. How you choose to tailor your villa experience is completely up to you.
About Pacific Resort Rarotonga
Authentic Boutique
… Pacific Resort is Rarotonga’s leading full-service authentic boutique resort situated in an unrivaled location on the glorious white sands of Muri beach. This premium boutique resort offers a collection of 64, rooms, suites and villas with a perfect blend of modern comforts and traditional island hospitality.

Contact Pacific Resort Hotel Group

Pacific Resort Hotel Group

Contact Media PA
027 458 7724

NZ Business Connect Host Informative Meeting For Members With Michael Shaw From Dale Carnegie As Guest Speaker

On August 28th, businesses in the Waikato region engaged in an informative presentation held at Robert Harris in Ruakura, Hamilton, hosted by NZ Business Connect.

Venue sponsor Robert Harris, Ruakura provided the perfect setting for members who were treated to an evening of knowledge and insight into the world of business training and the value it brings.

Business owners and entrepreneurs alike were presented with the latest strategic business training information and opportunities to help their business stay aligned with the current challenging economic climate.

Leading and unparalleled digital marketing agency, NZ Business Connect partnered with leading Hamilton-based digital marketing agency MediaPA to pioneer the event. MediaPA was able to utilise its supreme knowledge in the digital marketing sector to livestream the event on Facebook.

The August NZ Business Connect event engaged the audience with informative information around positive business training opportunities presented by guest speaker, Michael Shaw from Dale Carnegie. A role play between Tauranga Regional Manager, Ricki Cotter and guest speaker Michael Shaw, emphasised the importance of making strong customer connections.

The evening was highlighted by the generous sponsorship from Shammy and the team at Robert Harris Ruakura, and Media PA. The venue provided opportunities for attendees to engage in lengthy discussion around the importance of equipping your business with systems and strategies to put your business at the forefront of a customer’s mind.

In summary, the Business Training information evening hosted by NZ Business Connect was well received by those in attendance. Business owners gained more understanding about the importance of making business connections and the positive impact business training brings to set your business apart from competitors.

Contact: Phillip Quay

027 458 7724

Exciting Events Including Zespri AIMS Games in Tauranga – Make the Most of Your Visit with a Meal at Great Spice Otumoetai!

Click here to go to Great Spice Otumoetai’s Website

Spring is here, and Tauranga is buzzing with an array of events perfect for locals and visitors alike. Why not make a day of it by combining these exciting outings with a delicious meal at Great Spice Otumoetai? Here are five upcoming events to add excitement to everyone’s calendar, including the highly anticipated AIMS Games.

  1. Zespri AIMS Games (7th-13th September):

A highlight in Tauranga’s event calendar, the AIMS Games bring together thousands of young athletes from across the country to compete in various sports. From netball to swimming, this event showcases the talents of the next generation, fostering both competition and camaraderie. Spectators can enjoy the thrilling atmosphere and cheer on these young sports stars.

  1. Bloom Sings ‘The Adele & Amy Songbook’ (8th September):

Head over to Totara St in Mount Maunganui for a soulful performance by Bloom. Covering the greatest hits of Adele and Amy Winehouse, Bloom’s powerful voice and dynamic stage presence promise a memorable evening. The event runs from 4:30pm to 7:00pm, making it a perfect way to spend a Sunday evening.

  1. Les Misérables (11th-28th September):

The iconic musical Les Misérables comes to life on stage at the Baycourt Addison Theatre in Tauranga. This production will take audiences on an emotional journey through revolutionary France with its powerful story and unforgettable songs. Don’t miss the chance to see this timeless classic, brought to life by Tauranga Musical Theatre.

  1. Requiem by R. Schumann and Psalm 42 by F. Mendelssohn (14th September):

Classical music lovers can enjoy a special performance at St Peter’s Anglican Church, Victoria Road, Mount Maunganui, on Saturday, 14th September at 7:30pm. Featuring the beautiful compositions of Robert Schumann’s Requiem and Felix Mendelssohn’s Psalm 42, this concert promises an evening of moving and uplifting music.

  1. FluroFest 2024 (22nd September):

FluroFest 2024 will bring a burst of colour and excitement to Memorial Park, Tauranga, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. This vibrant festival features music, lights, and all things fluorescent. With live DJs, dance performances, and interactive art installations, FluroFest is the perfect event for those looking to enjoy a fun and colourful day out.

After enjoying these fantastic events, visitors and locals alike should stop by Great Spice Otumoetai for a delicious meal. Whether it’s a quick bite before a show or a leisurely dinner after a day of festivities, Great Spice Otumoetai offers the perfect dining experience to complement any outing in Tauranga.

Contact Great Spice:

07-570 2244

Contact Phillip Quay:


Mobile: 027 458 7724


Maxwell Burns, Travel Agent at Champion Travel in Napier, Excels in the World of Travel

Champion Travels founder Maxwell Burns knows a thing or two about travel. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a travel agent so dedicated to his profession.

Maxwell started selling travel in Perth in 1976 at API TRAVEL.

“By 1977, I had achieved an IATA Ticketing Qualification in Perth, without which you cannot sell travel as a travel consultant. By 1988, I had created my own business in Auckland”.

Before entering the travel sector however, Maxwell Burns was a journalist. He believes in excellence and integrity – doing the right thing by people. Always.

Maxwell attributes playing first-grade cricket in Australia to his success in the travel industry.

“Cricket is a real discipline. It teaches you to do things right, be competitive and never underestimate people”.

Champion Travel is a globally recognised IATA accredited travel agency, and also offers a unique travel referral franchise system through The Table Top Travellers Club.

Specialising in business travel both domestically and internationally, Maxwell Burns at Champion Travel is committed to providing a personalised world class service to clients around the world.

“My strength is creating airfares for clients that no one else can do. It is security for them. People spend a lot of money with me.

“My forte is as a business travel specialist. I pride myself in doing a lot behind the scenes for my clients”.

If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is how to be innovative and embrace technology and change.

“The world has become so ‘PC’ now. I embrace the digital technology availability – travel is the most perishable product in the world.

“People want choice. Everybody is unique, and it is my job to find out what people’s needs are”.

Maxwell Burns credits many of the values he has learnt along his journey to his father, especially client referrals.

“I learnt to get things right the first time, and it is only within the last few years that I have understood the importance of referrals.

“My role as a travel agent has become more essential. There is a definite need for face-to-face connections. My strongest trait is I will never walk away from a problem and take complete ownership in my role as a travel agent.

“I am accountable to IATA – if I do a great job, people will come back”.

A unique selling point is the “Book Now, Pay Later” incentive that Maxwell Burns from Champion Travels offers his clients.

“However, it is important to note that “Book Now, Pay Later” is not applicable on every airfare as some airfares have certain terms and conditions that apply”, says Maxwell.

So, what’s in it for you as a client looking at booking an airfare with Maxwell Burns at Champion Travel in Napier?

  • You are booking with a travel agent who has over forty-eight years of experience in the travel sector
  • You are guaranteed top-notch service every time
  • You are provided with up-to-date information
  • You can book a range of services from airfares, travel insurance, car rentals, through to accommodation and cruises.
  • You have the security of booking with a ‘bonded’ travel agent
  • You have a travel agent working with you every step of the way in your personal travel journey

What are you waiting for?

Book your next travel adventure with Maxwell Burns at Champion Travel in Napier and experience the difference that forty-eight years in the travel industry brings to your journey.

By Sharon Dean

Maxwell Burns

Champion Travel Limited NZ
20A Henderson Crescent

P: 021 022 02220



Contact Media PA

027 458 7724

The Impact of Soil Compaction on Greenhouse Gases: Agraforum New Zealand’s Sustainable Approach

Soil compaction is a critical issue in agriculture, and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N₂O), is a growing concern. Agraforum New Zealand recognises the importance of addressing soil compaction not just for environmental reasons, but for its substantial benefits to farmers’ bottom lines. Compacted soils reduce pore space, creating anaerobic conditions that favour the production of N₂O, a greenhouse gas nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

A study by Sitaula et al. (2000) found that N₂O emissions could be four times higher in compacted soils compared to non-compacted soils. This increase is primarily due to restricted oxygen flow in the soil, which accelerates the denitrification process—a key contributor to N₂O production.

Another interesting finding from Ball et al. (2013) is that soil compaction can reduce the diversity of soil microbial communities. This reduction in microbial diversity can further exacerbate the imbalance in soil nutrient cycling, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

In New Zealand, particularly in dairy-intensive regions like Canterbury, soil compaction is a major challenge. According to DairyNZ, the compaction of soils not only exacerbates greenhouse gas emissions but also leads to increased nitrogen leaching, negatively impacting water quality. New Zealand leads the world with the lowest carbon emissions for dairy farming.

Addressing soil compaction also leads to lower input costs for farmers. Improved soil structure enhances nutrient uptake, reducing the need for nitrogen fertiliser while maintaining or boosting crop growth. Healthier soils also support better plant growth, decreasing the reliance on bought-in feed and improving animal health, which further lowers veterinary and feed expenses.

Graph 3: Shows the accumulated grass growth across all four farms over the trial period. The Agraforum New Zealand treated farms clearly grew significantly more pasture compared to the Untreated farms.

Dr Gordon Rajendram, a leading soil scientist, strongly endorses Agraforum New Zealand’s program. “By improving soil structure and addressing compaction, farmers can significantly reduce nitrogen leaching and lower the need for fertilisers,” Dr Rajendram explains.

Agraforum New Zealand’s solutions are designed to tackle these challenges head-on, offering farmers a practical way to improve their environmental footprint and save money. By adopting these practices, farmers can lower their costs, improve yields, and reduce the negative impacts of nitrogen leaching and greenhouse gas emissions on New Zealand’s ecosystems.

To find out more, give Allan a call and he can discuss the benefits of their products and how they can enhance your farming operation.

Contact Agraforum

Mobile: 0274 485 159


  • Sitaula, B., Hansen, S., Sitaula, J., & Bakken, L. (2000). Effects of soil compaction on N₂O emission in agricultural soil. Chemosphere – Global Change Science, 2(3–4), 367–371.

  • Ball, B. C. (2013). Soil structure and greenhouse gas emissions: a synthesis of 20 years of experimentation. European Journal of Soil Science, 64(3), 357–373.

Contact Phillip Quay
P: 0274 587 724

5 AI & Digital Marketing Trends Shaping the Future of Online Strategies

UK Correspondent: Peter Minkoff

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential for marketers who want to maintain a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) showed itself as the final engine leading digital marketing that enabled companies to sharpen strategy and deliver experiences uniquely and at scale. Right from data analysis to the automation part, AI is changing the game of how marketers approach campaigns. This article identifies five major trends of AI and digital marketing that are the drivers for the future.

  1. Hyper-Personalisation in Marketing

While the term personalisation is not new in marketing, AI has given it a new dimension. Through hyper-personalisation, AI can analyse vast amounts of consumer data and, in real time, deliver very personalised content, offers, and recommendations. Understanding the specific behaviour, preferences and purchase history of a customer can help companies deliver personalised experiences that will connect personally. Not just that, it will deliver satisfaction for the customer and ensure conversions and concreted loyalty for the same. When you look at how AI’s continued evolution – incredibly already at a fast pace – expect hyper-personalisation to become even more fine-tuned and a strategy that no marketer can do without.

  1. AI-Powered Content Creation

The demand for the right content is relentless, and this is another front AI is rising to. AI-powered content creation tools have advanced to the point where machine learning algorithms actually can draft blog posts, social media updates, product descriptions, and more very accurately and quickly. Most of these tools are imbued with context, tone, and style through existing content; therefore, they can churn out copy that lines up with the brand guidelines. This doesn’t make AI content creation a replacement for human creativity, but rather a very useful tool in scaling up content creation while retaining consistency across channels. As AI content gets even more sophisticated, it’s likely to have an even bigger place within digital marketing strategies in times to come.

  1. Streamlined Link Building Processes

Link building has always been an integral part of search optimisation, though pretty time-consuming and laborious. Now, AI gears it to automatise link-building activities, making it smoother. With the best link building management software, marketers can identify high-quality link opportunities, track outreach efforts, and manage relationships with ease. The relevance and authority criterion of these AI-driven tools sift through data to prioritise potential links, making its marketers focus solely on the most impactful opportunities in the process. At the same time, AI is making it easier and quicker for businesses to improve their search rankings by streamlining the process of link building.

  1. Predictive Analytics for Enhanced Decision-Making

Another AI-driven trend that disrupts digital marketing by a mile is predictive analytics. Simply put, this may mean analysing past data to project trends in the future, customer behaviour, and campaign outcomes with a very high level of accuracy. It enables marketers to make decisions based on information, optimise strategies in real time, and allocate resources more effectively. In customer needs, predictive analytics can be applied to foresee them and come up with solutions before they occur, hence improving the total customer experience. The ever-improving AI algorithms will make predictive analytics an inevitable tool to be at the top among competitors for any marketer.

  1. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing

Chatbots have seen a sea of change in the last few years, all because of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. These AI-based tools nowadays are fully competent to respond to complex customer queries, offer them real-time support, and guide customers through the sales funnel. Chatbots in conversational marketing automation are increasing drastically. They’re already known to provide personalised experiences and answer questions 24/7, which engages clients much more at the best time. The rise in customer demand for quick and smooth communication, though, will spur the use of chatbots in digital marketing.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence is, without a doubt, redefining digital marketing with a whole set of new solutions around efficiency, personalisation, and growth. These trends are charging headfirst into a more data-exhaustive and customer-centric approach within the marketing framework. By staying informed about these developments and integrating them into your strategies, you can ensure your business remains competitive in the ever-evolving digital world.

Contact NZ Business Connect

027 458 7724

Sharper Edge Decorating: Expert Interior and Exterior Painting, Plastering, and Spray-Painting Services in Waikato

NZ Business Connect is excited to introduce our newest member, Shaper Edge Decorating, led by business owner Luke Galloway, a seasoned professional with 16 years of experience in the painting and decorating industry across England and New Zealand. Sharper Edge Decorating officially launched in March 2024, bringing top-notch interior and exterior painting, interior plastering, and spray-painting services to the Waikato region.

Luke’s expertise lies in delivering high-quality finishes through premium products and proven techniques. Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint for a home, a comprehensive refurbishment for a real estate agent, or a specialised project for a residential developer, Sharper Edge Decorating ensures every project is completed with precision and care. By staying up-to-date with the latest products and methods, Luke provides clients with knowledgeable advice, ensuring their vision is brought to life with the best materials available.

Serving a diverse clientele that includes homeowners, builders, real estate agents, residential developers, and business owners, Sharper Edge Decorating stands out for its personalised service. Luke works directly with clients, building strong relationships that result in exceptional project outcomes. This direct approach, combined with a commitment to excellence, honesty, respect, and trust, differentiates Sharper Edge Decorating.

As a business that values quality and client satisfaction above all, Sharper Edge Decorating is a valuable addition to NZ Business Connect. Looking ahead, Luke aims to grow a dedicated team while continuing to uphold the high standards that have made Sharper Edge Decorating a trusted name in the Waikato area. For those seeking reliable and expert painting and plastering services, Sharper Edge Decorating is your go-to for your next project.

Contact Luke at Sharper Edge Decorating

027 428 2864

Contact NZ Business Connect

027 458 7724